Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter 24

Noor: shno? Yousef mn 9jjik?? Walla madri shagoulik bs inta 7ail 9damtni! 3allagtni feek o 7ababtni feek o ana a7bik 7aaiil al7een o mn wana 9'3eera knt ashoufik '3air 3n 3yal 5allati el baji intay knt shay kbeer bl nsba ley mn wana 9'3eera knt astanas laimn ashoufik o al3ab ma3ak, al7een youm w9alt 7g eli abeeh o gltilik a7bik o inta gltli a7bch tabi t'hdnii?? 7ara 3alaik Yousef walla ana a7bik!

Yousef: adrii walla Noor bs ana '3l6t lani iglt a7bch bsr3a o knt lazim at2akad inna a7bch mo mo3jab feech bs allah y5alleech sam7eeni ana asif

Noor: asfa ma ra7 tsawi shay Yousef, tabeni asam7ik? La tklmni lana walla magdr kl ma aklmik a7bik akthar o dam inta lail7een t7b Shai5a ana mabi a7bik

Yousef: Noor allah y5alleech ana 9ij ma a7bch 7ob y3ni bs lail7een lich ma3azza ib gllbi walla o mabi ma nkallim b3'6 allah y5alleech agoulich

Noor: asif Yousef magdr aklmik walla gam abchi ma ashouf ell shasha 3dl mn el dmou3

Yousef: Noor Noor wallaa asiiiiiif wallaa ana 7bait e zftaaa hatheech o lail7eenii a7bhaa shsawiiiii! Mabi a'6lmich ma3aaay lani lail7een a7b hatheech!

Noor: 5ala9 rou7 7bhaa o la tklmnii plz mabi aklmik

Yousef: Noor allah y5alleech

Noor: Yousef bye

Yousef: Noooor

She blocked Yousef. He was SO SAD o mt'6ayig 7aaiil lana kisar gllb Noor. The next day, Noor unblocked Yousef.


Yousef: Noor

Noor: ?

Yousef: ana asif walla

Noor: ok

Yousef: shfeech tklmeni chithee?

Noor: Yousef brb bn6la3 ma3a omi al7een

Yousef: inshalla, deeri balich 3ala nfsich

Noor: ok

2 weeks had gone by and Noor still doesn't talk to Yousef. He was sitting in his room watching Chelsea's match. His mother called him..

Mom: Youseeeeeeef

Yousef: hala yummaaaaa

Mom: ta3aal t7t bgoulik shaaay

Yousef: shnooo yummaa goulaay gam a6aali3 el mbaraat

Mom: enzain laimn t5alli9 el mbaraat inziiiil

Yousef: inshaaalllaa

The match finished and Yousef went downstairs 3ashan yshouf omah laish nadita..

Yousef: hala yuma

Mom: 6ila3lina shalaihat ib montazah 5aleefa 3 ayam mal jm3iyat rmaithiya i7na o 5allatik klhoum

Yousef: k.. kl 5allati klhoum??

Mom: ee klhoum

Yousef: mm.. mta enzain?

Mom: next weekend inshalla

Yousef: inshalla

Kan Yousef 7ail mstanis lana 3 days o kl youm bishouf Noor. Kan mstanis lana bi7awil yra'6eeha lana kisar gllbha o ma yabeeha tz3al mnnah. Thursday came, elyoum biro7oun el shalaih. Awal ma w9alaw hnaak Yousef asked his mother 3n shalaihat 5allata klhoum bs ohwa kan yabi y3arf wain shalaih 5allta Om Noor. He was upstairs laimn kan ga3d ykallim omah and suddenly, Yousef heard Noor's voice. He went downstairs quickly wala yshoufhaa jidama ibtisim o ohwa mstanis lana shafha. Chan t6al3a bna'6ra madri shloun mo 7lwa o Yousef indigaaar. The next day, The next day, Yousef woke up early in the morning and talked to Noor.


Yousef: Noor

Noor: ?

Yousef: shlounich?

Noor: zaina

Yousef: shga3da tsween?

Noor: wala shay

Yousef: inshalla, laish ga3da mbacher?

Noor: madri

Yousef: inshalla

'6allat Noor trd 3ala gad el so2al o ma ta5ith o t36i ma3a Yousef.

Yousef: 3adi tyeen 9oub el stage eli bl n9?

Noor: la2

Noor kanat tgdar bs galat la2 lana ma tabi. Yousef decided to go to their shalaih. He went there with his cousin Fa6ma.

*Fa6ma: kober Yousef o bnt 5allta o trabat ma3ah.

Noor was standing in the living room, next to the ladder calling her sister. Kanat labsa bijama. Wala Fa6ma tdish el shalaih o Yousef waraha dash. He stopped o tanna7 ib Noor shway, b3dain staw3ab inna Noor mo labsa 7jaab chan y6la3 bsr3a. Chan Noor trou7 tbadil o trou7 Shalaih Om Fa6ma ma3a Fa6ma o Yousef. Later that day, Yousef was sitting in Fa6ma's shalaih with his cousin playing playstation. Fa6ma and Noor came from upstairs o Yousef dara inna kanaw ytantinoon (tanning) foug. Noor kanat 7aaamraaaa!!! Chan Yousef ygoul..

Yousef: 6uma6aaa 6uma6aa 9rtaaay

Noor 6ali3at Yousef ib na'6ra 5aysa 7ail o mishat. Yousef again indigaaaaar! Bs he couldn't say anything lana he knows that eli sawwah feeha kan '3l6. At night, Noor, Fa6ma and Yousef were in the shalaih. Fa6ma and Noor were sitting together o Yousef was watching tv alone.

Noor: offff Fa6oum jsmi y3werni

Yousef: eee mn el tan b3d

Noor gave him that look again! Yousef mn daa5la gam ygoul waai3 waaii3 ga3da tdgrnii waayed! Shway wala tdg Om Noor 3ala Noor.

On the phone

Aunt: Nooroooo

Noor: hala yumaa shfeech t9r5een

Aunt: goumaay dawray o5ouch el 9'3eer ma nadir waina '6aayi3

Noor: 9ij?? inshalla inshalla
Noor sakirat el phone..

Noor: Fa6oum goumay 5l ndawer o5ouy ma ydroun waina

Fa6ma: weeee yalla goumay

They went out searching for him. Yousef was trying to help them. He went to Noor and asked her..

Yousef: ha lgaitooh?

Noor: LA2!!

Yousef: shfeech??

6ali3at Yousef b6araf 3ainha o mishat. Gam ygoul Yousef 5alaaa9 5alaa9 laaii mtaa!!

The third day, Noor talked to Yousef el 9b7..


Noor: Yousef

Yousef: hala Noor

Noor: wainik?

Yousef: bl shalaih

Noor: t3aal murni

Yousef: wain btrou7en?

Noor: wadni shalaih fa6oum

Yousef: inshalla

Ra7 7g'ha o 5athaha. When they were walking to Fa6oum's shalaih, Yousef kan jidam Noor ga3d yamshi. 6oul el 6ereej mnazil rasah o they didn't talk to each other laaaiimn w9alaw. Yousef ma kan ygdar ykalimha b3d eli sawah lana as I said, kisar gllbha. This was the last day o raddaw el bait 5ala9. The next day, Yousef woke up and talked to Noor o 9ar shay bhal conversation 5alla Yousef ystanaaas 7aaaiiil!!!


To Be Continued..           

Friday, February 15, 2013

Chapter 23

Yousef: ana a7bch Noor bs mabi a'6lmich ma3ay lana hm a7b Shai5a bs ana a7bch o a7b ihtimamich feeni

Noor: walla madri shagoul Yousef

Noor said chithee and she was so happy from inside, but she didn't say to him a7bik. 9ar ihtimam o Noor gamat t'3aar. So Yousef gal akeed Noor loves me but she didn't say that.

February, 2012

Yousef's uncle and his mother kanaw 7ajzeen muntazah el 5airan 3 days bl weekend bs. Yousef told Noor about the shalaih and she said that they'll come and visit. So Yousef went to the shalaih and couldn't wait until the next day. The next day, Yousef woke up early in the morning and went downstairs to eat breakfast. When he went down his mother he saw his mother..

Yousef: 9ba7 el 5air yumaa

Mom: 9ba7 el noor 7abebi ta3al yalla trayyag

Yousef: inshalla, agoul yuma

Mom: goul

Yousef: mno b.. b.. bizourna elyoum?

Mom: madri walla bs chna 5alltik Om Noor btyee

Yousef: hmm, mta btyee?

Mom: el '6hr chithee

Yousef: inshalla

Yousef ate his breakfast and went to have a walk shway. 9ar wgt el 9allat, Yousef returned to the shalaih o 9allah o ni6ar 5allta tyee. Then, his aunt called his mother o galatlaha inna w9alna o 5l a7ad iyee ya5th'hom 3nd el bawwaba. Yousef's mother told her brother inna iyeebhom mn hnak. Yousef told his uncle inna he wants to come with him. So they went to them o awal ma shaf Yousef Noor, Noor nazilat ras'ha o kanat msta7ya. Rkibaw el sayar o they went to the shalaih. At night, Yousef went with his cousins for a walk and played football shway. Then, Yousef called his uncle..

On the phone

Yousef: ha 5alli wainkom?

Uncle: i7na ga3deen bl gahwa

Yousef: mno mwjoud?

Uncle: walla klhoum ana o yadik o omik o 5allatik o 3yalhom

Yousef: 5ala9 ok

Yousef decided to go to el gahwa. When he went there wala klhoum ga3deen and he saw Noor and her mother sitting and there was an empty chair between them, so he went and sat on it.

Yousef: gowa 5allti

Aunt: hala ib shai5 el ryayeel

Yousef: (laughing) hala feech

And then he talked to Noor..

Yousef: hala bl zain

Noor: (laughing) oush la7ad ysma3ik el kl ga3d

Yousef: (laughing) ma glt shay

Noor 7a6at reelha 9oub reel Yousef. Yousef gi3ad yt'3ashmar ma3aha..

Yousef: Noor shoufay shoufay hl bnt sh7alat'ha

Noor kicked Yousef mn t7t el 6awla..

Noor: chub nazzil 3younik

Yousef: (laughing) oulla oulla shd3waa trfseeni o chub

Noor: 3ashan ma t6ali3 el banat

Yousef: (laughing) enzain shoufay hathi a7la mn eli 6afat

Noor tried to kick Yousef bs ohwa wa5ar reela chan tshout el 6awla..

Yousef: (laughing) shfeech tshouteen el 6awla?

Noor: Yousfoo 5alaa9 la t6ali3 el banat oufff

Yousef: (laughing) enzain enzain la tz3leen

Noor: mobi mobi

Yousef: (laughing) a9lan ma tgdreen tz3leen

Noor: nshouf

Klhoum raddaw el shalaih bs boga Yousef, Noor and her mother. They decided to go back to the shalaih. On their way Yousef was walking with his aunt and Noor was behind them walking alone. Yousef stopped walking and said to his aunt..

Yousef: 5allti bntich tamshi 3ala bai'6, shwayyy shwaaay

Aunt: malik shi'3ill feeha titdallaa3

Yousef: (laughing) 5l arou7 ayeebha

Yousef went to Noor o misak eedha o gallaha "yalla imshay". They went back to the shalaih and they both sat on the table to eat dinner. When they finished they started chatting with each other. Noor had a camera..

Noor: Yousfo Yousefo shoufni

Yousef: shno?

Noor: (laughing) 9awartik

Yousef: shakli '3l6, ashouf

He took the camera o shaf 9ourta..

Yousef: 6ali3 wayhi tkfa

Noor: (laughing) mafeeh shay

Yousef: 3adi a6ali3 el 9war eli bl cam?

Noor: ee

Yousef gi3ad yshouf el 9war o kanaw a'3labhom 9war Noor. So kl ma yshouf 9ourt'ha ygoulaha 3ala '3shmara "dimeeraaa hl bnt" o y'67ak. B3dain Noor '67akat o shway shway galat 7g Yousef "a7bik". He felt so happy because this was the first time eli tgoula "a7bik". Then, Yousef laf el camera bi9awer nafsa wala tgoula Noor..

Noor: wait wait!

Yousef: shno?

Noor: 5l adish ma3ak bl 9oura

Yousef: (laughing) enzain

9awiraw o hathi kanat awal 9oura 7g Yousef o Noor ma3a b3'6. They went back home and Yousef was SO HAPPY lana he had fun with Noor. The weekend finished o Yousef rad ydawim bl mdresa. He was tired of studying because it was his senior year o kan lazim yshd 7ailah. Yousef was thinking of studying abroad, bs 5af ytwahag hnak lana yta2ti2 o chithee. So he decided to study here in Kuwait. 2 weeks had gone by o Yousef bida yshtag 7g Shai5a. He still loves her mn da5il bs ga3d ychathib rou7a o ygoul ana ma7bha. He told Anwar inna ishtag 7ag Shai5a.

On Whatsapp

Yousef: yuma

Anwar: hala yuma

Yousef: shloun Shai5a

Anwar: zaina, shako ts2al 3nha ma nsait'ha?

Yousef: la2 walla mo gaadr, ishtgtlaha wayed

Anwar: yumaa allah y5alleek insahaa inta ga3d tshtaglaha 3l fa'6i o ihya maa tadri 3annik

Yousef: yuma ana a7bha mn kl gllbi o abeeha abii atzwjha ana mabi al3ab bs chithee

Anwar: adri walla bs Shai5a mo m36itik ay ihtimam

Yousef: enzain ana glt 7g Noor a7bch o ihya galatli a7bik hm walla mab akser gllbha o mabi a5sarha bs adri tsarra3t o t2akadt inna msha3ri kanat i3jab mo 7ob bs al7een magdr akamil ma3aha walla lana ga3d a'6lmha 7aram o ihya t7bni wayed

Anwar: gltlik laa tgoulahaa a7bch hathaa mo 7ub wallaa al7een shft shloun twahagt?

Yousef: ee walla madri shsawi yuma

Anwar: ana agoulik shtsawi

Yousef: shsawi?

Anwar: 9are7haa

Yousef: inshalla yuma ba7awil walla

Anwar: inshalla

Yousef started to think of how could he tell Noor that he still loves Shai5a. He was afraid that Noor wouldn't talk to him again after he tells her. Bs 5ala9 mo gadr yt7amal akthar, lana ihya kl shway tgoula a7bik a7bik o Yousef t'6ayag lana dash ib 3ela8a ma3a o ohwa ma y7bha bs mojarrad i3jab. So Yousef decided to tell Noor about everything lana 5ala9 ma gidar yt7amal..


Yousef: Noor

Noor: 3younha

Yousef: bgoulich shay

Noor: goul 7abebi

Yousef: Noor madri shagoulich walla ana '3abi o '3l6an o ma astahal o kl shay mo zain, Noor ana lail7een a7b Shai5a o gam ashtaglaha, o 7oubich o ihtimamich feni 5allani agoul hl kalam 7aggich mn al7een lana mabi a'6limich, ana twa8a3t inna i7sasi tijahich kan 7ob bs 6ala3 mo 7ob, 6ala3 i3jab, ana adri btz3leen o tt'6aygain o ma tklmeni o mn 7aggich a9lan bs walla lo ana ma a3izzich chan ma gltlich hl kalam, ana mabi ma tklmeni o tnsaini, ana gltlich hl kalam 3ashan ma abi a'6lmich ma3ay, intay tstahlain wa7d a7san mnni o ana asif walla o adri inna ana '3l6an o '3la6t '3ala6 kbeer, ana asif..


To Be Continued..        

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chapter 22

Yousef bida shway shway ykallim bnt as I said in the previous chapter. He started talking to her o t3allag feeha o ihya hm t3alligat feeh. This girl is his cousin Noor.

*Noor: a9'3ar mn Yousef ib 3 sneen, green eyes, '63eefa, fair skin and golden hair.

Noor didn't see Yousef for a long time fa laimn shafita shakla kan mt'3ayer o 7atan ihya shaklha t'3ayar o t7ajibat. She didn't have a phone, so she took Yousef's email to add him on msn. The first conversation between them..


Yousef: hala ib bnt 5allti :p

Noor: hala feeek wld 5allto :p

Yousef: keefo?

Noor: mnee7a :p

Yousef: chna mo tawich ma5tha emaili ga3d agoulich shlounich :p

Noor: looool ee walla

Yousef: mt'3aayraaaaaa

Noor: looool 7ataan intaa :p

Yousef: o el 7jaab 3alaich 7lw :p

Noor: thank you bo y3ga :p

Yousef: u're welcome om madrii shsmaa :p

Noor: kaaaaak ok

Yousef and Noor couldn't stop talking to each other. Gal laha 3n kl shay 9ar ma3ah ohwa o Shai5a o gal laha b3d 3n Anfal o kl shay kl shay. 7atan ihya galatla 3n kl shay. They became close to each other 7ail. Shway shway Yousef yabi yshoufha. So one day, his mother told him that she wants to go to The Sultan Center eli bl salmiya..

Mom: yoyo ana barou7 sultan center imsh ma3ana ana kallamt o5ouk o biyee

Yousef: 7g laish b.. btrou7en yuma?

Mom: bshtiri a'3raa'6 shway o b3dainn nrou7 nit3asha foug

Yousef: 5ala9 bs 5l abadil yuma o anzil

Mom: yalla bsr3a la t6awil

Yousef: inshalla

Yousef went upstairs, changed his clothes and told Noor that he was going with his mother The Sultan Center eli bl salmiya.


Yousef: Noor ana rayi7 sultan center eli bl salmiya

Noor: 9ij? 3ad ana bl salmiya ma3a omi :p

Yousef: wain bl salmiya? :o

Noor: bl marina bs ana ma3a omi

Yousef: abii ashoufich :$

Noor: looool shloun?

Yousef: madri :/ bs ana ba7awil adaber 6aree8a ;)

Noor: jain

They went to Sultan Center o awal ma w9alaw hnak Yousef told his mother..

Yousef: yumaa malal klmay ay 5alla mn 5allati 5l tyee tit3asha ma3ana 3l a8al

Mom: walla madri 3n 5allatik yuma 5l aklmhom al7een bl group o ashouf

His mother asked her sisters mno fa'6ya tyee tit3asha ma3ana..

Yousef: ha yuma? Sh9ar?

Mom: chna 5alltik om Noor bl marina tgoul o ma3aha Noor

Yousef: hmm

Mom: tgoul ymkn tg6 bnt'ha 3ndna bs 3ashan tit3asha lanha mo mt3ashya

Yousef: ahaa 5ala9 ok

Yousef felt so happy lana bishouf Noor. When she came she didn't look at Yousef, kanat msta7ya. Yousef didn't say anything. They went upstairs to eat dinner. G3adaw klhoum chan Yousef yrou7 yg3ad yam Noor. His mother and brother went to order, so Yousef was sitting with Noor alone..

Yousef: shftay shloun 5allait omich tyeebich 3ndina

Noor: (laughing) ee

Yousef: shfeech t6al3een t7t ma t6al3eeni enzain?

Noor: madri

Yousef: (laughing) shd3wa msta7ya hl kither?

Noor: (laughing) madri

Yousef: enzain 6al3eeni

Noor: shno ka

Yousef: (laughing) ee 5aleech chithee

Noor: 5alaa9 oush la tyee omik tshoufna chithee al7een

Yousef: (laughing) enzain

They came and started eating but Noor didn't eat. His mother told her to eat bs tgoul mo you3ana. Yousef gi3ad yrfis'ha shway shway mn t7t el 6awla o ihya t'67ak. Ashwa inna his mother didn't notice that Noor was laughing. They finished and went to the car. Noor came with them lana Om Yousef btwadeeha bait'hom. Yousef went back home and as soon as he arrived he went to his room and closed the door. He sat alone and started thinking about Noor..

"ana a7bha? wala mu3jab feeha bs?" "bs ana lail7een a7b Shai5a, la2 la2 ma7bha" "bs magdr ma aklmha youm wa7d!" "5l an6er o nshouf she9eer.."

He talked to Anwar o s2alha 3n rayha bl mw'6ou3..

On Whatsapp

Yousef: yuma

Anwar: hala yuma

Yousef: a7is inna gam a7b Noor

Anwar? Ay Noor? Bnt 5alltik?

Yousef: ee

Anwar: shno mta kallamt'ha o fe shay bainkom wala shno?

Yousef: laa mako shay bainna bs y3ni yuma 6oul elyoum aklmha o t3allagt feeha o ihya hm t3alligat feeni

Anwar: mn mta tkallimha inta?

Yousef: 9arli 3 weeks chii t8reeban

Anwar: la2 la2 yuma hatha mo 7ob in6er shway hatha i3jaab

Yousef: adri yuma walla bs ana hm madri a7s lail7een a7b Shai5a o ga3d a7awil ma a7bha o ansaha walla

Anwar: offff ana madri mta btnsa Shai5o

Yousef: I'm trying yuma wallaa

Anwar: inshalla tgdar

Yousef: inshalla

Anwar: bs inta la tgoul 7g Noor inna t7bha deer balik la tdsh ib 3ila8a thanya o inta lail7een t7b Shai5a

Yousef: inshalla

1 month had gone by and Yousef still talks to Noor kl youm. T3alligat feeh wayed o hm Yousef! Ma gidar yt7amaal inna ma ygoulaha a7bch. So Saturday came, o kan fe zwara ib bait yad Yousef and Noor was there. 9ar wgt el '3ada o Yousef was upstairs sitting in his room and Noor was siiting in his mother's room. He was talking to her bl msn..


Noor: yalla ana bnzil t7t at'3adda o arid aklmik

Yousef: Noor dgeega wait bgoulich shay

Noor: shno goul?

Yousef la la 5ala9 wala shay

Noor: GOUL!!!

Yousef: inshalla bagoul…


To Be Continued..                

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Chapter 21

December 26, 2011    9:00pm

As I said in the previous chapter, Yousef decided to wish Shai5a a happy birthday. Yousef ma kan ygdar yklmha bl msn aw whatsapp lana mswytla block. He tried to find her twitter account, and he found it. Laga bl bio el link mal malha. He decided to wish her a happy birthday bl malha. 9arat el sa3a 12:00am, dash 3l chan yktib.. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YL '3AALYA O KL 3AM WNTAY B2ALF 5AIR 7ABEBTI!!". B3dain he talked to 6aiba.

On Whatsapp

Yousef: 6aibooo!

6aiba: halaa2!

Yousef: ba'3anni happy birthday 7g Shayou5a btwitter bs ma ra7 asaweelha mention bs abeech tsween retweet 3shan ihya tshouf el tweet!

6aiba: LOOL inshalla :p

He tweeted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUU, HAPPY BIIIRTHDAY TO YOUU, HAPPY BIIIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIIIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUU" and 6aiba retweeted it so Shai5a could see this tweet. Ni6ar ymkn trd 3alaih bl, but she didn't. Ni6ar trd 3alaih btwitter bs hm she didn't. He said 5ala9 it's ok el mohim inna ma nsait youm 3eed miladha o I wished her a happy birthday. The next day Yousef kan 7ajiz cinema film Mission Impossible with his father and his two brothers. They went to 360 mall lana kanaw 7ajzeen hnak. Yousef took the tickets and on his way to the screen Anwar sent a notification to him.

On Whatsapp

Anwar: mama

Yousef: hala yumaa

Anwar: S3oud mat

Yousef: ha? ay S3oud?

Anwar: s3oud wld 3ami 7asan

Yousef: shno?? 9ij wala tst3bi6ain?

Anwar: wallaa

Yousef: mtaa??

Anwar: elyoum el 9b7

Yousef: shlon enzain?!

Anwar: bl mu5ayam kan rayi7 ma3a rab3a o ingllbat el sayara feehom o 6a7at 3alaih

Yousef: enzain o intay wainich?

Anwar: ray7a bait 3ami 7asan

Yousef: take care yuma 3afya

Anwar: inshalla

Yousef was SHOCKED ib m3na el kalmia!! Tdroun laish? See..

*S3oud: wld 3am om Yousef and 20 years old bs!!

Yousef was shocked lana the week before shaf S3oud bl mu5ayam o g3ad o soulaf ma3ah! Dash el film o gi3ad wala tkallam wla gal 7g a7ad 3n inna S3oud twaffa. Yousef didn't give the film any attention and kept thinking of S3oud. El film 5alla9 o they went to eat lunch. Yousef didn't say a word and kept quiet.

Dad: ha Ywaisef shfeek?

Yousef: m.. mafeni shay yuba

Dad: 6ali3 wayhik allah yhadak o mn youm ma 6ila3na mn el cinema wnta sakit

Yousef: yuba s.. s3oud wld 3.. 3ami 7asan m.. mat

Dad: ay S3oud.. laaa? Hatha 9'3eer shloun twaffaa?

Yousef: in.. ingllbat feehom el sayara

Dad: allah yr7ama o y9aber ahalah

Yousef: allah yr7ama  

They went back home and Yousef was still shocked. Ra7 9allah o da3a 7g S3oud. He didn't cry at all because he couldn't believe it. Yousef kaan 5ayif inna omah tdg lana yadri inha ra7 tabchi o tklma o Yousef ma ygdar yt7amal yshouf omah tabchi. He was sitting alone in his room. His mother called!

On the phone

Mom: (crying)

Yousef didn't say a word..

Mom: yuma S3oud wld 3ami maaat (crying)

Yousef: a.. adri yumaa

Yousef gllba bida y3wraa 7ail!!

Mom: deero baalkom yumaa laimn trou7oooon o trdoooun ma3a oboukom (crying)

Yousef: inshalla yumaa

Mom: shouf om S3oud sh9aar feeha mskeena mn el 9b7 whyaa tabchi (crying)

Tears started to fall from his eyes..

Yousef: allah yr7ama yumaa

Mom: bacher bydfnouna, 7awil tyee el mgbara (crying)

Yousef: inshalla yuma

Yousef ma gidar yrou7 el mgbara because he had to go to school lana kan 3nda imti7an. He went to school o imta7an o he skipped all the classes. Be ra7 el 3aza ohwa. One month had gone by o Shai5a still didn't talk to him. Kan ys2al Anwar 3an Shai5a kl youm! Anwar was sad because Yousef kan ys2al 3n Shai5a o ihya ma kanat tadri 3annah a9lan. Yousef hm kaan y7n 3ala Anwar 3ashan tkallimShai5a 3ashan trd lah. Kan 9ij 9ij WAYED y7n. So one day, Yousef talked to Anwar..

On Whatsapp

Yousef: salam yuma

Anwar: hala wldi

Yousef: shlounich?

Anwar: zaina el7mdella o inta?

Yousef: ana zain damich zaina yuma

Anwar: el7mdella

Yousef: yuma 3adi tklmeen Shai5a 3ashan trd tklmni?

Anwar: wallaa kallamt'haa yumaa cham marra bs ihya kl shway t'3ayer el mw'6ou3!

Yousef: bs walla mshtaglahaa yummaa

Anwar: adriiii bs ihya mo m36itiiik ayy ihtimaaam!

Yousef: allah y5alleech kllmeehaa!

Anwar: shfeek 9ayer 5aroouuf!!

Yousef in9idaam!

Yousef: shno yuma?

Anwar: asfa mama! Bs walla m7tarraa! Inta mhtaam feeha waaayed o ihya maa tadri 3annik a9laan!

Yousef: mshkoura

Anwar: asfaaa mama wallaa ma knt a89d walla

Yousef: inshalla, brb

Anwar: tyt

Yousef gam ygoul ib gllba "al7een eli y7b mn kl gllba 9ar 5arouf, 9rt 5arouf 7ag Shai5a o lail7een ma kallimatni, allah kareem". Yousef was so sad o '6ayig 5llga 7aaiil. Blail he talked to Anwar again..

On Whatsapp

Yousef: yuma

Anwar: 3younha

Yousef: 9ij ana 5arouf?

Anwar: la2 mama walla

Yousef: bs intay glteli elyoum ana 5arouf

Anwar: walla ma knt a89d mama bs mn el 7arra eli feeni 6la3at el klmaa

Yousef: inshalla yuma

Anwar: :*

Yousef 7awal ykraah Shai5a but he couldn't. After 1 week Yousef bida shway shway ykallim bnt.. Next chapter bt3rfoun mno :p


To Be Continued..