Sunday, March 24, 2013

Chapter 28


Shai5a: salam

Yousef: wa 3laikom el salam

Shai5a: shlounik?

Yousef: tmam el7mdella, u?

Shai5a: zaina el7mdella

Yousef ma gal shay for 2 minutes..

Shai5a: 6la3at nateejtik?

Yousef: ee

Shai5a: ha basher?

Yousef: 78%

Shai5a: zain el7mdella

Yousef: ee el7mdella ma twa8a3t ayeeb chithee

Shai5a: yalla mbrouk

Yousef: allah ybarik feech

Shai5a: ana walla 5ayfa ma sawait zain bl imti7anat

Yousef: la t5afeen inshalla 5air

Shai5a: walla ana 7allait zain bl imti7anat ma knt adres 3dl

Yousef: la t7ateen gltlich inshalla yayba nsba zaina

Shai5a: inshalla

Yousef heard his father voice chan yrou7lah o ysawi rou7ah '6ayig 5llga :p

Dad: haaa basher!

Yousef: allah kareem yuba

Dad: afaaa

Yousef: la la ybt 78% (laughing)

Dad: yah yaah mbrooouuk ta3al ta3al 36ni bousa

Yousef: (laughing)

He kissed him on the head..

Yousef: el7mdellaa yubaa el nsba t5alleeni asajil b3thaa da5iliyya

Dad: yalla yalla el7mdellaa, 3ad 9allait? Shikart rabbik?

Yousef: ee yubaa el7mdella, yuba inshalla bs t6la3 el sh.. sh.. shahada na5th'ha o seeeda nrou7 auk

Dad: ayhi?

Yousef: eli bl salmiya yuba

Dad: 5ala9 inshalla

Yousef was so happy lana awal shay yayib nsba o thani shay Shai5a talked to him. Ni6ar nateejt'ha lai el sa3a 5:00 pm t8reban. Ra7 kallamha..


Yousef: ha sh9aar 6la3at nateejtich?

Shai5a: la2 na6ra lail7een

Yousef: ok itha 6la3at gouleli

Shai5a: ok

After 10 minutes..

Shai5a: 6la3at

Yousef: ha cham??

Shai5a: 76.8%

Yousef: 9ij?

Shai5a: ee

Yousef: yalla el7mdella

Shai5a: el7mdella bs inshalla y8blouni b3tha ib auk abi adish adab English

Yousef: adri Shai5a gaylatli mn gbll

Shai5a: 9ij?

Yousef: ee ma nsait

Shai5a: inshalla 3ad y8blouni b3tha

Yousef: sm3ay intay awal ma ta5theen shahadtich rou7ay auk o s2lay

Shai5a: inshalla

6la3aw el shahadat o Yousef went with his father, took his report and went to auk 3ala 6oul. Yousef was so excited lana bisajil 7g jam3a o chithee bs bnfs el wgt kan 5ayif lana yta2ti2 o lazim y3timid 3ala nfsah. As soon as he arrived there he told Shai5a inna cham y8bloun b3tha. When he went inside 3nd el admissions, he told his father inna ohwa ytkallam Yousef didn't want to talk lana 5ayif yta2ti2.

Yousef: yuba inta tkallam enzain?

Dad: ha? shfeek Yousef b3d inta 5ala9 lazim t3timid 3ala nafsik inta btdish el jam3a

Yousef: enzain b3timid 3ala nafsi bs al7een kalmhoum 5l nsaji b3dain y9eer 5air

His father didn't say anything. When they went inside g3adaw and the woman said to Yousef..

Woman: 7ayakom allah fe bl jam3a el americiya

Yousef: allah y7ayyeech

Woman: ismik?

Yousef: Yousef

Woman: Yousef ay t5a9o9 7a6 fe balik?

Yousef: walla 7a6 fe bali computer engineering

Woman: cham nsbitik?

Yousef: 78%

Woman: btsajil b3tha da5iliya inta mo?

Yousef: ee n3m

Woman: 3lmi wala adabi?

Yousef: 3.. 3lmi

Woman: aha ee y9eer tsajil b3tha

Yousef: laish?

Woman: lana el 3lmi mn 70% and above ygdroun ysjloun b3tha, bs el adabi  78% o foug

Yousef: ahaa

'6ag 5llga shway lana Shai5a adabi o yayba 76%. 5athat mn Yousef some papers o g3adat tktib. Yousef heard eli 9ouba ygoul 7ag wa7da inna a8al nsba in8ablat b3tha last year kanat wa7da yayba 76%. Yousef seeda ra7 gal 7g Shai5a..


Yousef: Shai5a

Shai5a: hala

Yousef: ygoulon eli bisajil b3tha o adabi lazim 3l a8al 78%

Shai5a: knt adri walla madri wain ra7 adish

Yousef: n6ray n6ray

Shai5a: shno?

Yousef: sma3t el rayyal eli 9oubna ygoul 7ag wa7da inna el sena eli 6afat i8balaw wa7da mn kanat adabi o nsbt'ha 76% fa intay ta3alay klmeehom shoufay ymkn y8blounich

Shai5a: mabi ayee o aa5er shay ma y8blouni akallim omi tdg 3alaihom

Yousef: 5ala9 ok

Shai5a: bs abi r8mhom

Yousef: 5ala9 ana adzlich r8mhom

Shai5a: inshalla

Yousef sent her the number. The woman said to Yousef that he had to take an English exam. So Yousef i5tar taree5 el imti7an o i5tar 2 majors. The first major was computer engineering and the second major was graphic designs. 5alla9 kl shay o he went back home. Shai5a's mother talked to AUK bs they said inna may9eer tsajil b3tha. Shai5a ma tadri wain tdsh. Yousef 7awal ysa3dha o kan '6ayig 5llgha 7ail bs Yousef ma 5allaha o 7awal yhaddeeha. 1 week had gone by o Yousef finished his English test eli bl AUK o he got level 3. Ra7 el jam3a again 3ashan ysajil 7g el b3tha. The same woman gave him wrigat el b3tha. Yousef wrote his name o kl shay and started choosing the majors that he wanted. Kl jam3a i5tar feeha 2 majors. AUK i5tar awal shay computer engineering and the second major computer science. GUST i5tar awal shay computer science and the second major accounting. AUM i5tar awal shay handasa 9ina3iya and the second major I don't remember walla. The woman told 5ala9 inta sajalt o after 2 weeks ra7 tshouf wain bya8blounik inshalla. The next day, Yousef talked to Shai5a..


Yousef: ha sh9ar Shai5a? wain btsjleen?

Shai5a: omii tgouli dishay trbiya asasiya

Yousef: enzain o intay shrayich?

Shai5a: b3d mako '3air hnak, 7atan r7t jam3at el Kuwait s2alt'hom itha y8blouni adab English o 6la3aw ma y8bloun

Yousef: yalla el7mdella 3ala kl 7al, walla intay el mfrou'6 tshdeen 7ailich 3ashan tdsheen el mukan eli tabena

Shai5a: 9a7 kalamik

Yousef: yalla goulay e7mdella

Shai5a: el7mdella 3ala kl 7al

Yousef kl ma ykallim Shai5a ystanas lana lail7een y7bha o yabi ysa3dha. Yousef talked to Anfal..

Yousef: i5tiiii

Anfal: hala o5ouy

Yousef: ha wain btdsheen? Ay jam3a? sajaltay ma sajaltay shno?

Anfal: r7t shft gust o auk ma3a i5ti o y3ni chithee ga3deen n7ous bs ma sajalt eli mt5rjeen mn private schools ma ysjloun al7een

Yousef: ahaa inshalla 5air

Anfal: inshalla;*

July 4, 2012

Elyoum 7aflat ta5arroj Yousef. He was so excited!! His friend called him..

3ali: Ywaisef yalla yalla goum imsh ana o mahdiyo o 7mood bnrou7 nt'3adda bl mbarkiya b3dain bnrou7 el raya 3ashan tdreeb madri brova 7g el 7afla el laila

Yousef: (laughing) enzain enzain al7een agoum abadil

3ali: yalla bsr3a ana yay

Yousef: ok

Yousef changed his clothes and went with his friends, ate lunch o ra7aw el raya. Laimn w9alaw hnak Yousef in9idam mn sha'3lla. Yousef ra7 ykoun awal wa7d bl line y6la3 o kl el students warah o aa5er wa7d ra7 yngaal ismah 3ashan ystilim el dr3!

5alli9aw el tdreeb o Yousef went back home 3ashan ytsaba7 o ybadil o ytjahhaz. He took a shower o libas el dishdasha wl '3tra o tzagraaat 3dl :P chan yrou7 8a3at el raya. Bidat el 7fla o 5alli9at o Yousef kan mstanis 7aaaiil! After 1 week, Yousef's aunt sent him a link and said..

On Whatsapp..

Yousef's aunt: Yousef bsr3aa shouf el link 6la3aw asami el m8bouleen bl jam3at!!

Yousef: 9iiij??

Yousef's aunt: eee chayyik bsr3aa

Yousef: ok!!

Yousef opened the link and started searching for his name. He found his name 6ala3  8oboolah ib..


To Be Continued..          

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Chapter 27

 7our: inta knt t7b wa7da mn gblli? Laish ma gltli? O lail7eenik t7bha b3d?? Yousef ana t3allaagt feek o 7baitik 7ail! Laish chithee tsawii feeni! Walla a7bk wallaa laish chithee tsawii?? Laish ma gltli innik knt t7b wa7da mn gbll? Ana 7baitik mn awal ma kallamtni! La ts2alni shloun bs ana 7baitik fj2a chithee o b3d ma gltli a7bch al7een tgoulii ana lail7een a7b hatheech?

Yousef: 7our adrii wallaa bs ana mabi akamil ma3ach lana ana lail7een a7b hatheech 7awalt ansaha bs mako faayda maa gdaart! Walla gmt akrah nfsi kisart gllbich o gbllich Noor b3d walla kiraaht nfsi 9ij

7our: ok bye

Yousef: 7our allah y5alleech la t36eni block 3l a8al 5alleech 3adi bs bs2al 3annich

7our: ok

Yousef t'6ayag 7ail. He told Anfal and Anwar about what happened and they felt sad. There was one week left 7g el final exams. Yousef 7awal yrakkiz o ydres, but when he sees el msn o Shai5a online, yg3ad yfaker feeha o yt'thakar shloun kanaw ysoulfon o y'67koun ma3a b3'6 o kl shay. Yousef was 100% sure inna after the final exams Shia5a would talk to him, so he couldn't wait 3ashan y5alli9 el exams.

June 22, 2012

Yousef tawa rad mn el exam and he was so tired, so he went to sleep. When he woke up, he checked his whatsapp lana kan wa9illah wayed broadcasts. He started reading wala mktoub..

انتقل الى رحمة الله تعالى حسن محمد احمد

انا لله وان اليه راجعون

Yousef was shocked. La7'6a la7'6a 3ami 7asan mafeeh shay! shloun twaffa?? He asked Anwar itha hl kalam kan 9ij wala la2..

On Whatsapp

Yousef: yumaa

Anwar: hala

Yousef: 9ij 3ami 7asan twaffa??

Anwar: ee

Yousef: mtaa o shloun!?

Anwar: omi tgoul ams el fayer ti3ab 3alaihom b bait o waddouh el mstashfa chan ytwaffa bl mustashfa

Yousef: allah yr7ama, allah y3een 5allti gbll cham shahar mat wldha s3oud mngallba feeh el sayara o al7een rayilha

Anwar: allah yr7mhom mama, i7na ka ib bait 3ami 7asan al7een, walla 5allti kahi takser el 5a6er mskeena ma tdri shtsawi b 3omerha twaffa wldha o ma mar 3alaih sena o ams twaffa rayilha

Yousef: allah yr7mhom, mta el 3aza yuma?

Anwar: elyoum el 3a9er el difaan o bacher awal youm

Yousef: inshalla

He couldn't go to the 3aza awal youm because he was studying for his last exam.

June 24, 2012

Yousef woke up early in the morning. He was ready for his last exam. Ra7 dash el gym lana hnak kanaw ymta7noun. Awal ma 6af ne9 el wgt, bida 9out el tg7ee9 ybayin. When Yousef finished his exam, he went 3nd bab el mdresa. El shabab tg7ee9 o wanasa kan. He saw one of his friends ib sayarta ga3d yga7i9, chan ygoula..

Yousef: (laughing) 3yaaaal el '6a7ya y.. yg79oun b3d?

m7amad: (laughing) sh3abaalik yubaa

Yousef: ta3aal ta3aal, inta shako tga7i9 o mstanis? Tra lail7een bageelik imti7an yl athwal

m7amad: (laughing) 3adiiii yubaa astanas ma3akom ya 3yaal el 3lmi

Yousef: 7arrik yalla yalla rid el bait idres (laughing)

m7amad: int rou7 el 7alla8 elyoum 7ish kishitik garri3 rasik 9ayer sh6oulaa

Yousef: (laughing) enzain enzain

He went back home and ate his breakfast o seeda ra7 el 7alla8. When he came back home his father asked him..

Dad: ha wain btrou7 elyoum?

Yousef: b.. b.. oufff

Dad: ee ee goul (laughing)

Yousef: (laughing) walla ma t6la3, b.. barou7 el 3a.. 3aza

Dad: (laughing) ee goul barou7 el 3aza

Yousef: barou7 el 3aza (laughing)

Dad: mno biwadeek?

Yousef: 3laiwi 5alli biya5thni

Dad: deer balik enzain

Yousef: inshalla yuba

Yousef went to the 3aza and then he went to bait 3amah 7asan lana klhoum hnak kanaw. When he went to call his mother mn da5il, he saw Shai5a! Gllba bidaa y6g bsr3a o 7alta 7aalaaa! Shfeek Yousef shway shway calm down. He even forgot why did he came inside. Then, he remembered that he had to call his mother, so he called her and they went back home. Yousef kan na6er el shahada o he was afraid. When he was in the 10th grade, he was thinking of studying abroad. B3dain bida yfaker shway shway o gal a5af arou7 hnak atwahhag lani ata2ti2, fa he changed his mind. He decided inna ydsh jam3a 5a9a jawha ymkn shway mithil jaw barra, kl shay ta5tha bl English o chithee. He wanted to study computer engineering bs 7a6 a second option eli ohwa computer science. Yousef also wanted to study at AUK because 6aiba and 3azeez were there. Kl hatha depends on Yousef's grade. Yai youm twzee3 el shahadat. El '6eher Fa6ma called Yousef..

On the phone

Fa6ma: haa Yousfoo

Yousef: hala F6oum

Fa6ma: tra b3d shway bn6alli3 nateejtik omi kallimat wa7da bl wezara 3ashan t6alli3 nateejtna ana o i5ti o inta

Yousef: 9iiij??

Fa6ma: eee

Yousef: enzain a.. awal ma t6l3ounha gouleli!

Fa6ma: ok

Yousef got nervous o bida y7atii. He waited 10 minutes, chan Fa6ma tdg!

On the phone

Yousef: haaa?? Chaam??

Fa6ma: mbroouuk bs el mfrou'6 tyeeb a3laa

Yousef: goulaay 5aba9tay gllbiiii!

Fa6ma: (laughing) 78%

Yousef: 9iiiij??

Fa6ma: la ga3d achathib, akeed 9ij shfeek (lauhing)

Yousef: el7mdellaaaaaa, twa8a3t ayeeb a8al mn chithee wallaa

Fa6ma: yalla el7mdellaa

Yousef: intay o i5tich cham ybtaw?

Fa6ma: ana 91% o i5ti 89%

Yousef: kafooo kafoo walla

Fa6ma: (laughing) afa 3alaik

Yousef: yalla yalla 5l arou7 a9alli rk3tain shuker el7mdellaa walla ma twa8a3t ayeeb chithee

Fa6ma: (laughing) inshalla

Yousef ra7 9allah rk3tain shuker o 7imad rabbah lana yab hl nsba. Then, he went to his father's room na6ra yrd el dawam 3ashan ygoula 3n nsbita. While he was waiting, someone sent him a notification bl msn..

To Be Continued..

Monday, March 4, 2013

Chapter 26

7our: Yousef tabi el 9ij?

Yousef: ee

7our: hm ana b3d gmt a7bik o arta7lik waayed

Yousef: 9ij?

7our: ee walla bs mabeek t7bni o mabi ykoun baina 3ila8at 7ob

Yousef: laaiish??

7our: Yousef inta tstahal wa7da a7san mnni bwaaayed, inta 5oush wa7d o walla tstahaal wa7da a7san mnni walla, ana knt akallim shabab wayed o swalif o '6i7ik ma3ahom bs tra ma dzait 9ourti 7g wala 9bay ma3rfa aw ma y9erli o 7atan eli y9erounli wala marra dzaitlohom 9ourti bs ana knt akallim shabab 3ashan chithee agoulik inta tstahal wa7da a7san mnni ana mabeek t7bni lani mo zaina

Yousef: 7our 7our tra kl morahi8 ymour bhl fatraa, 3ashan akoun 9aree7 ma3ach ana hm marrait ib ftara chithee knt akallim banaat o grgaa ma3ahom o swalif m95ara bs hdait hl swalif lana maa mnhaa fayda killish o ana ra'6i feech lana almost kl el morahi8een marraw bl ftra eli marraina feeha i7na, intay gltay innich "KNTAY" tklmen shabab y3ni now ma tklmen 3dl?

7our: ee a9lan mn b3d ma r7t el 3omra hdait hl swalif

Yousef: shftay shloun? 3yl la tgoulenli inni ma astahalich, intay t'3yrtay mn b3d ma r7tay 3nd bait allah y3ni al7een ma 3ndch hl swalif fa 5ala9

7our: Youyo a7bik

Yousef: ana b3d a7bch 7ourii

7our: ;*

Yousef: 7ourii 3ndch whatsapp?

7our: ee

Yousef: 3adi t36eni r8mich?

7our: ee bs tram o r8mi, ana ma 3ndi phone bs dasha el whatsapp ib 5a6 americi 5athaita mn app bl ipod

Yousef: shloun y3ni? :/

7our: fe app bl ipod y6l3lik r8m americi o ana 5athait hl r8m o 76aita bl whatsapp

Yousef: ahaa inshalla

Yousef took her number and he was so happy. He didn't tell anybody about eli 9ar baina o bain 7our. After 3 or 4 days, he told Anfal about eli 9ar baina o bain 7our.

On Whatsapp

Yousef: i5tiiii el 3azeeza el '3aaalya el ba6ou6aa :p

Anfal: ana mo ba6ou6a -.-

Yousef: yes you are ;p

Anfal: no I'm not -.-

Yousef: looooool inshalla ;p

Anfal: shtabi goul -.-

Yousef: '67kay awal wya wayhich -.-

Anfal: ka :D

Yousef: ee chithee a7san :p

Anfal: looool yalla goouul :p

Yousef: glt 7g 7our inni a7bha o ihya hm galaat inha t7bniiii :D

Anfal: 9iiiij?

Yousef: eeee

Anfal: la ykoun ist3yaalt o lail7eenik t7b Shai5o!

Yousef: lo lail7een a7b Shai5a chan ma glt 7g 7our inni a7bha i5tii

Anfal: 3yl abii akalliiiiim 7abebaaat o5ouuuy :p

Yousef: looool inshalla al7een agoulaha :p

Yousef told to 7our that Anfal wants to talk to her..

On Whatsapp

Yousef: 7ouriii

7our: hala Youyoo

Yousef: Anfal i5tii wants to talk to you :p

7our: gltlahaaa? :o

Yousef: eee 5ooo :$

7our: asti7ii aklmha Youyo :$

Yousef: looool enzain asawi group?

7our: kaifik 3ala ra7tik

Yousef made a group bl whatsapp..

On Whatsapp

Yousef: halaa ib 7baaaaaybiii i5tii o 7abeebtiiii :p

Anfal: hala feek hala ib o5ouy :p

7our: loool hala feek :$

Yousef: yalla talk to each other intaw :p

Anfal: hala ib 7abebaat o5ouy hala ib 7ouri :p

7our: hala feech Anfal :$

Yousef: Anfaloo tra 7ouri tsti7iii :p

Anfal: la tsti7een 7our soulfay 3adi tra

7our: loool inshalla

They continued their grgaa o swalif o stanisaw. The next day, Yousef woke up early in the morning and talked to 7our..

On Whatsapp

Yousef: 7ouuuriiiiii 7abeeeebtiii goumaaaay yalla yalla yalla yalla yalla goumay goumay g o u m a y

7our: halaaaa Youyooooooo :(

Yousef: laish ma tgooumen mn awal marra? :(

7our: shsaawi naaayma :(

Yousef: jain asif :(

7our: la tgoul asif ma sawait shay inta :(

Yousef: enzain laish gam n76 hl face y3ni >> :( ?

7our: loooool madriii :(

Yousef: jain :p

7our: :P

Yousef: 7ouri abi ashouf 9ourtich 9arli 2 weeks aklmich o lail7een ma shft 9ourtich :(

7our: inshalla al7een awarreek :(

She sent him her picture..

7our: ka :(

Yousef: ktkoootaaaa <3!!!

7our: shako :(

Yousef: wallaaaa 7ouriii ktkoootaa 7lwaaa shklich mo 15 a9lan :p

7our: :$ inta el 7lw

Yousef: :$

7our: ;**

Yousef: yalla 7ourii ana bagoum adres enzain?

7our: inshalla Youyo wana b3d barou7 adres al7een

Yousef: inshalla;* shday 7ailich!

7our: inta b3d 7abebiii;*

Yousef was studying the whole day bs 6b3an ya5ith break shway. Before he went to bed, he checked his email bs bishouf mno kan shabik o mno la2. Wala yshouf Shai5a shabka! Yousef wasn't surprised that much because laimn Shai5a hadita he was 100% sure inna ra7 iyee youm btrd tklma again. He saw her online but she didn't talk to him. Yousef started his final exams and still, Shia5a was online. '6all yshouf itha Shai5a online wala la2 kl youm bs ma kan yklmha. Shno? Yousef mo gal inna nesaa Shai5a? o ohwa y7b 7our! Yousef ga3d ygoul ib gllba.. ana shgam asawi? Laish kl youm ga3d ashouf itha Shai5a online wala la2? Laish awal ma shft'ha online gllbi fazz o stanast? La2 la2 ana a7b 7our ma7b Shai5a! Bs laish stanast? La2 tkfaaa mabi akser gllb 7our! Wai3 wai3!!!! Bl weekend.. Yousef used to talk to 7our awal ma yrd mn el imti7an. Bs hl marra he didn't talk to her, so she talked to him..

On Whatsapp

7our: Youyo

Yousef: hala 7our

7our: shfeek?

Yousef: mafeni shay

7our: 7abebii goulii shfeeek??

Yousef: 7our ana ma astahal a7ad y7bnii

7our: inta tstahaaal imbala walla

Yousef: la2 7our!

7our: Youyo shfeek? Laish tgoul hl kalam?

Yousef: 7our ana kisart gllb bnt 5allti Noor o al7een ra7 ynkiser gllbich o killa bsibbiti! Ana ma astahal a7ad y7bnii walla

7our: ha? laish shno msawi??

Yousef: 7our ana gbll sntain knt a7b wa7da t9eerlii o a7bha knt a7bha mn kl gllbi o ihya hadatni o radatli o raddat hadatni o ana lail7een a7bhaa o 7awalt ansahaa bs ma gdaart! Kiraaht nfsi lani kisart gllb bntain malhom thaanb walla madri shsawi gam a7awil ansaha bs walla mo gaadr mo gaadr ana lail7een a7bha o galouli Anfal o Anwar inna la tst3yil o tgoul 7g 7our innik t7bha ela laimn tt2akad innik nsait Shai5a o ana twa8a3t inni nsait'ha o gltlich inni a7bch bs youm shft Shai5a online bl msn walla fazz gllbi o stanast  bdoun ma a7is ib nfsi! O t'thakartich o glt ana shswaaiiit ib 7our!! Adri inna ra7 tkrheeni ana abeech tkrheeni lani ma astahal hl 7oub ana ma astahal walla ma astahal!..


To Be Continued..