Yousef: salam Noor
Noor: hala Yousef
Yousef: ana asif walla sam7enii
Noor: 5ala9 3adi 6af Yousef
Yousef: walla el shalaih ma stanast feeh killiiiish, laimn
yait ma3a F6oum shalaihkom yait bs 3ashan ashoufich, o knt a7awil at2asaflich o
adri inni '3l6an o ana asif walla, knt ayee shalaihkom bs 3ashan ashoufich o
knt a7awil at2asaflich bs madri laish maagdr! Malii wayh aklmich o agoulich
asif, shftay laimn aa5er youm yait a5thtich mn shalaihkom knt mnazil rasi ga3d
a6ali3 el ar'6 o dmou3i mask'hom walla ana asif 7ail
Noor: Yousef 5ala9 sama7tik
Yousef: 9ij??
Noor: ee
Yousef: el7mdellaaaa Noor ana asif walla lani sawait chithee
Noor: 5alaa9 la tt2asaf
Yousef: inshalla
Noor galat inha same7at Yousef bs kanat lail7een shayla ib
gllbha. Shway shway radat mithil ma kanat gbll. Yousef and Noor were so close. Ma
kan y5sh 3nha wala ihya t5sh 3annah. 1 month had gone by and Yousef started studying
for the finals. This was his senior year, so he tried to study hard to get a
good grade. Bhl ftra Yousef kan ydsh instagram wayed o y76 9war wayed. Someone
followed him and started putting likes for his pictures. Yousef followed her
back and started putting likes for her also. One day, 7a6at 9oorat account'ha
btwitter o ktibat bl comments "Follow me on twitter". So Yousef
followed her o kitab comment 3l 9oura "done". She followed him back
and started retweeting his tweets. Kan 3ndaha waayed followers, ymkn 1000 o
shway. 2 week marraw o she retweets Yousef's tweets o tsweelah #FF o kl shay. Yousef
wanted to thank her for the retweets o kl shay, so he sent her a Dm.
Twitter – Dm
Yousef: salam
Her: w 3laikom el salam
Yousef: bs knt abi agoulich thank you 3l retweets wl #FF's
Her: loool ur welcome Yousef
Yousef: bs abi as2alich itha mmkn, shsmich?
Her: ismi 7our
Yousef: oh ok nice name 7our :p
7our: thank you Yousef :p
Yousef: welcome ;)
7our kanat tktib waayed tweets o tweets 7lween y3ni! Day
after day, shway shway Yousef 7as inna widda y3arf 7our akthar. Ra7 kallam 7our
Twitter – Dm
Yousef: 7our
7our: hala Yousef
Yousef: how old are you?
7our: loool laish?
Yousef: walla taben el 9ij?
7our: akeed loool
Yousef: 7as inna widdi a3rfich akthar
7our: laish?
Yousef: madri bs chithee, itha ma taben 5ala9 6af
7our: la 3adi ana 3umri 15 o inta?
Yousef: ana 17, cham i5it o o5o 3ndich? :p
7our: looool 7 5awat o o5o wa7d :p u?
Yousef: loool mashalla allah y5aleekom 7g b3'6 :p ana o5wain
7our: looool allah y5aleekom 7g b3'6
Yousef: o5wain 9a7? :/ wala 2 o5o?
7our: looool madri el mohim w9alat el m3loma :p
Yousef: jain :p
7our: looool :p
Yousef: yalla brb barou7 el jm3iya :p
7our: tyt o tc :p
Yousef: inshalla
Yousef bida yklmhaa shway shway laimn 9ar yrta7laha o
gallaha kl shay.
Twitter – Dm
Yousef: 7our ana gam arta7lich akthar youm b3d youm
7our: laish?
Yousef: madri walla, a7s intay 5oush bnaya o gllbich abya'6
7our: mshkour Yousef
Yousef: no need lana hatha el 9ij b3d
7our: inshalla
Yousef: 7our intay tklmen shabab dm?
7our: la2 bs y3ni ydshoun sa3at ygoulon mshkora 3l retweets
o chithee arid 3alaihom agoul el 3fw bs, o fe nas yaboun ysoulfon bs ma arid
Yousef: ana gam asoulif ka, laish rdaitay 3alaiy?
7our: madri walla
Yousef: inshalla
Yousef bida yklmha kl youm o gbll ma ynam o awal ma ygoum.
She's amazing, 6ayba o gllbha abyaa'6. Yousef told Anfal about 7our..
On Whatsapp
Yousef: Anfalooooo
Anfal: halaa o5oouuy
Yousef: shlounich yl 5aysa :p
Anfal: looool tmaaam :p inta shlounik?
Yousef: I'm good el7mdellaa
Anfal: el7mdella :p
Yousef: bgoulich shay i5tooo
Anfal: goul yasuwooo
Yousef: fe bnt gmt akalmha dm ib twitter :/
Anfal: ok? :/
Yousef: 5oush wa7da o gllbha abyaa'6 mashalla o mashalla
mashalla madrii :/
Anfal: la tgoulii you love her :/
Yousef: la2 5ooo shno bs aklmha 3adi y3ni friends
Anfal: ee 3bali -.-
Yousef: laish? :/
Anfal: bs la t7b shouf glt 7g Noor inta t7bha o aa5er shay
lail7een t7b Shai5a -.-
Yousef: enzain bs agoulich y3ni inna ihya 5oush bnt :(
Anfal: loool enzain;*
Yousef told Anwar also..
On Whatsapp
Yousef: yumaaa :p
Anwar: 3younhaa
Yousef: fe bnt gmt aklmha dm ib twitter 5oush wa7da yumaa
Anwar: 9ij? mno?
Yousef: ee walla, wa7da ma t9erlina bs mashalla 3alaiha
5oush wa7da ismha 7our :/
Anwar: goulahaa tsweeli follow :p
Yousef: looool inshalla :p yumaa
Anwar: hala wlaidi
Yousef: chna bdait ansaa Shai5a :D
Anwar: y3ni inta al7een tgouli 3n 7our o b3dain tgouli chna
bdait ansa Shai5a..
Yousef: ee.. :/
Anwar: y3ni tabi tgouli innik t7b 7our? -.-
Yousef: shako :/
Anwar: ya waiiilik in 7bait bnt b3d thanya -.- kafi eli 9ar
ma3a Noor -.-
Yousef: inshalla :/
One day, he was talking to 7our ib twitter chan y3allig el
dm. 7our tnadii Yousef tnadeeh tnadeeh o Yousef tried to answer her bs kan
m3allig mo ra'6i ydz. So he mentioned her o gallaha inna el dm m3allig o bsr3a
misa7 el tweet 3ashan nobody knows that he's talking to her bl dm. The next day,
Yousef tried to talk to her bl dm o 9ar..
Twitter – Dm
Yousef: 7oouur
7our: halaaaa
Yousef: a5eeraaan shta'3aaall
7our: mn shno 3allaag?
Yousef: walla madrii
7our: hmm jain :/
Yousef: 7our 3ndch kik?
7our: ee 3ndii
Yousef: enzain 3adi tsweenli add?
7our: ee ok, 36ni el username malik o ana asweelik add
Yousef: inshalla
Yousef gave her his username ib kik o they started talking
to each other hnak. 1 weeks had gone by and Yousef still talks to 7our. T3allag
feeha o gam yklmha kl youm o hm ihyaa. Yousef decided to tell her shno eli y7s
On kik.
Yousef: 7our
7our: hala Yousef
Yousef: 3adi agoul eli bgllbi?
7our: goul kl shay la t5sh shay ana ra7 asma3ik
Yousef: inshalla
7our: yalla goul
Yousef: 7our ana mn awal ma kallamtich 7sait innich bnt
'3air 3n el baji, madri shloun agoulich bs 7sait ib shay '3areeb, gllbich
abyaa'6 o 6ayba 7ail o mhtamma feeni ts2leen 3anni o kl shay, intay 5oush bnaya
mashalla, hl ayam mn kither ma aklmich gmt at3allag feech o magdr ma aklmich
youm, 7our… ana 9ij ma shftich wala shft 9ourtich wala sma3t 9outich bs mn
sh59eetich a7s inni gmt a7bch..
To Be Continued..
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