Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chapter 19

Yousef woke up, went to the bathroom o ra7 ykallim Shai5a MSN. She wasn't online. Ni6arha ni6arha ni6arha, lail7een ma kallimita. 9arlaha 8 hours lail7een ma 7achat Yousef! He asked Anwar..

On Whatsapp

Yousef: Anwar??

Anwar: halaa

Yousef: Shayou5a feeha shay??

Anwar: la2 madri laish??

Yousef: mn el 9b7 lail7een ma 7achatni feeha shaay??

Anwar: madrii Yousef! al7een adg 3alaihaa

Yousef: ee dgaay o shoufaay ana na6rich!

Anwar called Shai5a, but she didn't answer..

Yousef: haa sh9aar??

Anwar: ma trid!

Yousef: laaiish?? Yrn el phone enzain??

Anwar: ee yrn bs ma trd!

Yousef: a5aaf 9ayer feeha shay!

Anwar: allah la ygoul Yousef ithker allah

Yousef: enzain dgaay 3ala bait'hom

Anwar: dgait o 5adamt'hom galatli ohma mo bl bait

Yousef: ist'3ferallaaah enzain shsawi al7een gaam a7atii!

Anwar: in6er shway inshalla mafeeha ela kl 5air

Yousef: inshalla inshalla

Yousef was SO WORRIED. Yousef ni6ar laaii blail o bl '39b naam. The next day, Yousef woke up, seeda dag 3ala Anwar.

On the phone

Yousef: A.. Anwar sh9aar?

Anwar: Yousef insahaa

Yousef: ha??

Anwar: insahaa Yousef insahaa

Yousef: l.. l.. laish??

Anwar: madri bs shaklha ma tabi tklmik

Yousef: enzain laaiish??

Anwar: madriii Yousef!! Yousef ga3d tabchi?

Yousef: la2

Anwar: Yousef la tabchi ma tstahal tabchi 3alaihaa

Yousef: shlouun shloun ana a7bhaa! Laish chithee t'hdnii??

Anwar: haddi Yousef haddi Yousef ithker allah

Yousef: Anwar walla magdr gllbi y3werni walla ana a7bha

Anwar: Yousef haddi o ithker allah inshalla btlga eli a7san mnha

Yousef: mabi '3airhaa Anwar ana 7bait'ha mn kl gllbi shloun tabeni ansaha

Anwar: insa Yousef insa la t'6ayyig 5llgik

Yousef: allah kareem Anwar

Yousef gam yta2ti2 akthar mn gbll and his problem got bigger and bigger. Yousef kan 3nda tasmee3 8a9eeda bl mdresa o kan 7afi'6ha klha. He was sitting in the class waiting for his turn 3shan ysammi3. When his turn came the teacher said..

Teacher: Yousef yalla sammi3

Yousef: inshalla, a.. a..

Yousef stopped and took a deep breath..

Yousef: stath mo 7afi'6 lazim a.. araji3

Teacher: laish shfeek?

Yousef: mo 7afi'6 stath

Teacher: 3ala ra7tik

When he went back home he told his father about what happened and he wants him to go to talk to the teacher 3shan y5alli Yousef ysammi3 3ala wriga. His father went to the school and told them about Yousef's problem, so they sent him to el a5i9a2i el nafsi 3shan ygoullah 3n mshkilat Yousef. He told him about Yousef's problem and he said to his father that he'll talk to him and they'll sit together to discuss his problem. The next day Yousef ra7 7ag el a5i9a2i el nafsi o g3idaw ma3a b3'6 o tkallimaw 3n mshkilta. El a5i9a2i kallam el stath o gallah inna Yousef ma ygdar ysammi3 o lazim yktib bl wriga. Yousef kl ma yrou7 ysammi3 kan y5aaf a7ad mn el 6alaba yshoufa lana ysti7i. Anfal ma kanat tadri inna Shai5a haddat Yousef because he didn't tell her 3shan ma tgoul Shai5a haditik bsibiti. Bs he decided to tell her now.

On Whatsapp

Yousef: salam i5ti

Anfal: hala Yasu

Yousef: 9ar shay gbll cham sbou3

Anfal: shno sh9aar? Yasu feek shay?

Yousef: ee

Anfal: shnoo??

Yousef: Shai5a hdatni

Anfal: shno?? Laish? T'hawashtaw?

Yousef: la2 hadatni mn doun sebab

Anfal: ana adri mn shno

Yousef: Anfal mo mnnich walla 9dgeni

Anfal: imbala 9dgni ihya ma t7bni

Yousef: la2 la2 walla mo mnnich

Anfal: kaifik bs 9adgni mnni

Yousef: y9eer 5air

Anfal: enzain mt'6ayig?

Yousef: shloun ma at'thayag i5ti walla lail7een a7bha

Anfal: inshalla btlga eli a7san mnha

Yousef: galatli Anwar chithee bs ana mabi

Anfal: allah kareem Yasu

Yousef: allah kareem

Anfal was so sad lana o5ouha Yousef mt'6ayig 7ail. She tried to make forget Shai5a but she couldn't.

November 2, 2011

Anfal decided to make something special for Yousef to make happy shway o tsheel hl '6eega mnnah.

To Be Continued

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Chapter 18

Yousef decided to go to the cinema with Shai5a. Akeed her parents ma ra7 y5alounha trou7 ma3a Yousef, fa gal 5l trou7 el cinema ma3a 3azeez o 6aiba o Anwar o ohwa iyeelhom hnak. So he talked to Anwar.

On Whatsapp

Yousef: Anwaaaar

Anwar: halaaaa

Yousef: b6la3 ma3a Shayou5a please

Anwar: enzain shako ana? :/

Yousef: ee shloun y3ni? Shai5a tgoul 7g ahalha b6la3 ma3a Yousef o t6la3? -.-

Anwar: enzain shno tabeni asawi? :/

Yousef: sm3ay ana yatli hl fkra

Anwar: shno?

Yousef: intay o 6aibo o 3azooz o Shayou5a t7jzoun cinema o t7jzounli ma3akom o ana ayeelkom el cinema hnak bs 3ashan ma7ad yadri inni ana 6ali3 ma3akom

Anwar: hmm.. 5l ashouf itha ygdroun y6l3oun o itha ahalhom yr'6oun o agoulik

Yousef: ok, bs mta taboun y3ni?

Anwar: el ym3a 5alha b3d el zwara nrou7

Yousef: wain?

Anwar: el fanar, lana mafeeh wayed nas

Yousef: 5ala9 ok

Anwar told 6aiba and 3azeez about going to the cinema on Friday and they agreed. Shai5a asked her parents to go with her cousins to the cinema on Friday and they agreed also. So Friday came, Yousef didn't go to the zwara 3ashan ma7ad yadri inna ohwa birou7 ma3ahom. Yousef talked to Shai5a..


Yousef: Shayou5a

Shai5a: hala 7abebi

Yousef: mta ra7 t6l3oun?

Shai5a: b3d el '3ada inshalla

Yousef: enzain mta bi76oun el '3ada?

Shai5a: b3d 10 minutes chithee

Yousef: y3ni arou7 el fanar al7een?

Shai5a: madri walla

Yousef: 5alaa9 ana arou7 hnak at'3ada 3ala ma t5all9oun lana baitna mo msween '3ada

Shai5a: 3ala ra7tik:*

Yousef went to ask his father if he could take him to el fanar mall or not. Obouh ri'6a o Yousef ra7 baddal malabsa o ra7 hnak. Yousef said to his father that he was going to the cinema with 3azeez. When he arrived there, he went to Costa to have something to eat. When he finished eating, he called Anwar.

On the phone

Yousef: aloo

Anwar: hala Yousef

Yousef: ha w.. wainkom?

Anwar: tawna 5all9een '3ada ga3deen yshrboun gahwa o yakloun 7lw

Yousef: 5oo yalla 9arli ana bl fanaaar t'3dait o 5alla9t wntaw lail7een?

Anwar: 5oo enzaaaiiin shway o n6laa3

Yousef: enzain yalla la t6wloun 5oo

Anwar: (laughing) inshalla

Yousef ni6arhoum lain yaw. When they arrived 3azeez went foug 3ashan y7jiz and then he called Yousef.

On the phone

3azeez: ha wainik Ywaisef?

Yousef: ana ga3d atmasha, intaw w9altaw?

3azeez: ee o 7jaztlkom

Yousef: enzain wainik?

3azeez: ana 3nd costa ta3al i5ith your ticket 3shan trou7 tdish gbllna b3dain ndish i7na

Yousef: ok

On his way to 3azeez, Shai5a sent a notification to him..

Shai5a: o5o Anwar hnee bl fanar :)

Yousef: ay shaay! Shafkom?

Shai5a: ee o s2alna laish yayeen glnala 7ajzeen cinema

Yousef: enzain lail7een mwjoud?

Shai5a: ee laa yshoufik deer balik!

Yousef: ok ok

Yousef went to 3azeez, took his ticket and went to the cinema. Ra7 dash el film o ni6arhom da5il. They came and Anwar sat next to Yousef. Yousef kan ga3d foug bl zawya. Shai5a was next to Anwar. Bn9 el film Yousef gi3ad mukan Anwar, so he was sitting next to Shai5a. He took her hand and placed it on his chest.

Yousef: shoufay gllbi shloun gam y6g bsr3a mn you ma shftich

Shai5a sti7aaat o ma gdaraat tgoul wala klmaa. Wakalha maltesers o 3a6a el film skip! When the film finished Yousef had to go. He kissed Shai5a's hand mn da5il o gallaha a7bch. He went home and that day was the best day in his life. 2 month had gone by and Yousef was so happy lana Shai5a ma3aah. Gamaw y5taroun asami 3yalhom laimn ytzawijoun o wain bisawoun 3rs'houm o mno by3zmoun o kl shay kl shay.

October 2011

9ar shay 5alla Yousef shagoul? Ykti2ib? Yz3al? Yt'6ayag? Shay Yousef ma 9addagah!!


To Be Continued..            

Chapter 17

Shai5a: 3a6ni email and r8m Anfal

Yousef: inshalla

Yousef gave Shai5a Anfal's email and phone number. She talked with Anfal and everything went fine.


Yousef: Shayou5a ana asif lana kallamt'ha mn warach bs lo ihya mo 5osh wa7da chan hdait'ha, ihya mithil i5ti o mako shay bainna la t5afeen

Shai5a: lool 3adi walla she's cute ga3d aklmha now :p

Yousef: loool inshalla, bs walla ana lo ma a7bch chan ma gltlich 3anha bs ana mabi akallim bnt mn warach fa 3shan chithee glt 7ag Anwar tgoulich 3anha

Shai5a: loool inshalla

After that Yousef talked to Anwar.

On Whatsapp

Yousef: Anwaaaar thank youuuu!!!!

Anwar: loool welcome welcome :p

Yousef: shloun gltelhaaaa??

Anwar: malik shi'3ill bs ana a3rflahaa ;p

Yousef: loooool jain :p

He was so happy lana Shai5a knew about Anfal and it was ok with her. Gbll la ymshi Yousef yrou7 el shalaih, Anfal called him.

On the phone

Anfal: salaam Yasu

Yousef: hala i5ti

Anfal: Yasu y3ni lazim trou7 el shalaih?

Yousef: (laughing) laish N.. Nafoula? Ma tabeni a.. a.. arou7?

Anfal: ee I'll miss you y3niii

Yousef: 7abebti i5tii walla ra7 aklmich k.. kl youm 5o mani m.. msaafer ana

Anfal: inshalla, take care 3ad

Yousef: inshalla i5ti, intay b3d deeri balich 3ala nfsich

Anfal: ee Yasuwo abi agoulik shay

Yousef: sh.. shno goulay

Anfal: a7s Shai5a ma t7bni

Yousef: laa i5ti t7bch a9lan galatli innich c.. cute o chithee

Anfal: madri bs ana a7s ma t7bni ihya

Yousef: la t5afeen t7bch t7bch

Anfal: inshalla o5ouy

Yousef: yalla ana lazim a.. arou7 al7een birou7on o na6reni bl sayara

Anfal: inshalla

Yousef: yalla bye

Anfal: bye..

Yousef: (laughing) i5ti skreeh

Anfal: mabi asakra, itha tabi inta sakra

Yousef: (laughing) inshalla, yalla bye

Anfal: bye

Yousef went to the shalaih and as soon as he arrived there she called him.

On the phone

Shai5a: gowa 7abebi

Yousef: hala Shayou5a

Shai5a: w9aalt?

Yousef: ee

Shai5a: el7mdella 3ala salamtik

Yousef: allah yslmich

Shai5a: deer balik 3aad o 3younik mo trou7 mnni o mnnak

Yousef: (laughing) inshalla

Shai5a: o la tt7arrash bl bnat

Yousef: (laughing) ana at7arrash? tabeni at7arrash o l.. lsani chithee? by'67koun 3alaiy

Shai5a: chub mafeek shay inta

Yousef: (laughing) ok

In the fourth day of shalaih, Yousef was walking alone going to his brother and his cousin. Kanaw bl jm3iya eli 3nd el bawaba. On his way there, he saw a bunch of girls coming towards him. Awal ma marraw yamah chan wa7da tgoulaa "yal mzyoouuun". Yousef laughed and continued walking. Shai5a talked to Yousef..


Shai5a: ha wain 3younik?

Yousef: lool seeda mo mnni o mnnak :p

Shai5a: ee zain

Yousef: walla fe bnat ma yst7oun -.-

Shai5a: laish? -.-

Yousef: ga3d amshi rayi7 el jm3iya, chan ymurroun yami bnat o wa7da mnhom tgoul yal mzyoouun -.-

Shai5a: -.-' o int shswait?

Yousef: tkfa shswait? -.- ma rdait 3laihom o mshait -.-

Shai5a: zain tsawi

Yousef: ee

The next day, Yousef was in the gahwa sitting with his brother and his cousin. His father called him o gallah iyee el shalaih 3shan yshb el fa7am bisawoun shawi. On his way to the shalaih, two girls were coming towards him. One of the them started clapping for Yousef and saying "youmma youmaa sh7alataa". He stopped and looked at her and then he said..

Yousef: ok 9afagtay o youma youma sh7alata, al7een shtaben?

The girl: 5ala9 asfa

Yousef: thgllay thgllay

Misha Yousef o kammal 6ireeja. He didn't tell Shai5a 3an eli 9ar. The shalaih finished o they went back home. B3d rmi'6an Yousef decided to go out with Shai5a. Bs shloun ra7 y6la3 ma3aha bdoun ma ahalha yadroun? He started thinking of a way to go out with Shai5a. 6ING! Yatlah fkra! :p


To Be Continued..              

Friday, January 25, 2013

Chapter 16

Yousef: (laughing) shno?

Mom: (laughing) 9aayer 8lm

Shia5a's mother: ee walla 9a7 kalaamich

Yousef ista7a wayed o ra7 gi3ad yam 3azeez. He didn't look at Shai5a killish, but Shai5a couldn't take her eyes of him because she didn't believe that he was Yousef. 3azeez started to ask Yousef about how he lost weight o cham kan wazna o cham 9ar.

3azeez: shloun '63aft chithee ywaisef? dash nadi?

Yousef: la2 shako mo nadi

3azeez: enzain r7t 7ag dietitian? Sawait rejeem?

Yousef: laa yuba shako la nadi wala rejeem

3azeez: 3yl shloun chithee '63aft mashalla chithee?

Yousef: bs gi6a3t el pepsi o hl swalif o ma gmt aakil 3aish o killa salads  o gmt arou7 el mamsha arki'6 kl youm

3azeez: bs??

Yousef: ee bs

3azeez: enzain cham kan waznik gbll ma t'63af?

Yousef: gbll ma a'63af knt chi bain el 80 o 85

3azeez: o al7een?

Yousef: (laughing) goul mashalla awal shay

3azeez: (laughing) mashalla mashalla yalla goul

Yousef: al7een ana 56 kg

3azeez: yalla 3ad, chathab

Yousef: walla 3azooz goum awarreek

3azeez: ma 3ndna 7safa, bs walla 9ij 56 al7een?

Yousef: ee walla

3azeez: mashalla, walla kafo 3alaik laa nadi wala shay o chithee '63aft

Yousef: (laughing) shft shloun

Btw, Yousef ma yta2ti2 ma3a le nas eli close to him. Yousef was 100% sure inna Shai5a b3d el zwara ra7 tklma msn. The zwara finished everybody went home. A notification was sent to Yousef. He checked his msn wala Shai5a.


Shai5a: hi

Yousef: hi

Shai5a: shlounik?

Yousef: zain el7mdella, u?

Shai5a: doum, ana zaina el7mdella

Skitaw b3dain 10 minutes.

Shai5a: 9ayer 3ood lool

Yousef: lol ee

Shai5a: shloun '63aft chithee?

Yousef: bs rika'6t o 5afaft akil

Shai5a: ahaa

Yousef: ee

Yousef ma tklam ma3a Shai5a ela laimn ihya ttkalam. Kan yabeeha t7s inna eli sawita '3l6. Skitaw shway..

Shai5a: Yousef asfa lani hdaitik fj2a chithee bdoun la agoulik

Yousef: intay tdreen inna eli sawaiteh '3l6

Shai5a: ee Yousef madri shloun afahmik fa glt ahiddik seeda a7san

Yousef: ee ok bs 7ata lw, ma t'hdeni chithee wana 9rt mithl el mynoun gam at'thakar itha sawait shay '6ayagich aw athaitich

Shai5a: 9a7 kalamik

Yousef: o tra ma7ad 5allanii a'63af o a9eer chithee '3air kalamich, sawait chithee 3shan akoun mithil ma gltay "perfect"

Shai5a: inshalla, sam7ni Yousef lani hdaitik fj2a, ana abi nrd mithil awal o a7san b3d

Yousef: Shai5a ana ma z3alt mnnich 3shan asam7ich, ana lail7een a7bch o mabi a7b bnt '3airich

Shai5a: inshalla

Yousef: a7bch

Shai5a: a7bik

Shai5a raddat 7g Yousef and he felt so happy. He was sitting in the living room watching tv.

Dad: Yooouuuseeef

Yousef: halaa yubaaa

Dad: ta3aal shway

Yousef: inshalla

Yousef went to his father..

Yousef: hala yuba

Dad: elyoum el '6iher awal ma 6ila3t mn el dawam r7t 7jaztlokom shalaih

Yousef: 9iij yuba??

Dad: 3yl shno achathib 3alaik y3ni?

Yousef: (laughing) la bs mn zmaan mo r.. ray7een

Dad: yalla hl marra bawadekom inshalla

Yousef: ay muntazah?

Dad: el 5airan

Yousef: m..mta mta enzain?

Dad: isbou3 el yay

Yousef: ch..cham youm?

Dad: isbou3 inshalla

Yousef: inshalla

Yousef told Anfal that he was going to the shalaih next week. She felt sad because he was going and she told him to take care.Yousef had another problem. The problem was that how could he tell Shai5a about Anfal. Anfal darat inna Shai5a radat 7g Yousef so she told him..

On Whatsapp

Anfal: Yasu

Yousef: hala Anfal

Anfal: Shai5a tadri 3anni? Gltlaha innik tklmni?

Yousef: la2 ma gltlaha lana itha gltlaha ra7 tz3al o tt'6ayag o ma ra7 tfham innich i5ti o ra7 t'hdni

Anfal: adri 3shan chithee Yasu 5ala9 la tklmni a5af tdri Shai5a innik tkallim bnt mn waraha o t'hiddik wana mabi a5arrib bainkom lana itha la sama7 allah haditik inta ra7 tt'6ayag wana mabi ashoufik mt'6ayig

Yousef: maa ra7 tadri inshalla allah y5alleech i5ti mabi a5sisrich intay i5ti el wa7eeda

Anfal: adri wall abs mabi a5arrib 3alaik

Yousef: enzain 36eni wgt 5l afaker shloun a7il hl mshkila

Anfal: inshalla

Yousef asked Anwar to help him..

On Whatsapp

Yousef: Anwaro abi agoul 7g Shayou5a 3n Anfal, shloun?

Anwar: hmm.. let me think

Yousef: ok

Anwar: laish ma agoulaha ana 3anha?

Yousef: ttwa8i3ain btz3al o ma ra7 tklmni?

Anwar: la la t7ati ana a3arf shloun afahmha

Yousef: goulelha itha tabi r8mha o emailha ana 7a'6er b36eha o goulelha inna mafi shay baini o bain Anfal ihya mithil i5ti

Anwar la t7ati la t7ati adri

Yousef: inshalla

1 week had gone by and Yousef was going to the shalaih today. Shai5a knew about Anfal, so Shai5a talked to Yousef.


Shai5a: Yousef

Yousef: hala


To Be Continued..