Sunday, January 20, 2013

Chapter 5

The next day Anwar called Shai5a and told her that she was coming to her house. Shai5a was sitting with her cousin 6aiba in the living room alone. Of course you don't know who is 6aiba. I'll tell you who is she.

*6aiba: a9'3ar mnni ib sena, she's my cousin and she's like my little sister.

Anwar arrived to Shai5a's house and they sat all together in Shai5a's room. They watched tv and ordered pizza hut. When they finished eating, they had to clean up the room.

Shai5a: yalla 3ad sa3doni mo bs ana asheel warakom el akil

Anwar: enzain 5o 5l nrtaaa7

Shai5a: Anwaroo goumay yalla tra in g3adna ra7 ndou5

6aiba: ee walla 9a7 kalam shayou5 5l ngoum nsheel ma3aha 7aram o ana hm obouy bya5thni b3d shway

Anwar: ouffff enzain enzain

They cleaned up and 6aiba went home. Anwar didn't want to go back home until she knows what was happening between Shai5a and Yousef and what are Shai5a's feelings towards Yousef.

Anwar: agoul Shayou5

Shai5a: goulay

Anwar: shloun Ywaisef?

Shai5a: (laughing) zain

Anwar: shlouna ma3ach?

Shai5a: walla y3amlni bkl adab o i7tiram o he's cute

Anwar: shfeech mst7yaa 6al3ay wayhich

Shai5a: shno 5ooo

Anwar: ahaaa (laughing) 5ala9 fhamt fhaamt, enzain t7bena?

Shai5a: madrii ymkn

Anwar: ayal shagoul 6ay7enlaa m'3azaal mn waraay haa??

Shai5a: la shako bs shwaya 5o mo wayed

Anwar: enzain enzain, wya wayhich y3ni mst7ya

Anwar went home and as soon as she arrived she sent a message to Yousef telling him that she talked to Shai5a.


To Be Continued.. 

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