Friday, January 25, 2013

Chapter 16

Yousef: (laughing) shno?

Mom: (laughing) 9aayer 8lm

Shia5a's mother: ee walla 9a7 kalaamich

Yousef ista7a wayed o ra7 gi3ad yam 3azeez. He didn't look at Shai5a killish, but Shai5a couldn't take her eyes of him because she didn't believe that he was Yousef. 3azeez started to ask Yousef about how he lost weight o cham kan wazna o cham 9ar.

3azeez: shloun '63aft chithee ywaisef? dash nadi?

Yousef: la2 shako mo nadi

3azeez: enzain r7t 7ag dietitian? Sawait rejeem?

Yousef: laa yuba shako la nadi wala rejeem

3azeez: 3yl shloun chithee '63aft mashalla chithee?

Yousef: bs gi6a3t el pepsi o hl swalif o ma gmt aakil 3aish o killa salads  o gmt arou7 el mamsha arki'6 kl youm

3azeez: bs??

Yousef: ee bs

3azeez: enzain cham kan waznik gbll ma t'63af?

Yousef: gbll ma a'63af knt chi bain el 80 o 85

3azeez: o al7een?

Yousef: (laughing) goul mashalla awal shay

3azeez: (laughing) mashalla mashalla yalla goul

Yousef: al7een ana 56 kg

3azeez: yalla 3ad, chathab

Yousef: walla 3azooz goum awarreek

3azeez: ma 3ndna 7safa, bs walla 9ij 56 al7een?

Yousef: ee walla

3azeez: mashalla, walla kafo 3alaik laa nadi wala shay o chithee '63aft

Yousef: (laughing) shft shloun

Btw, Yousef ma yta2ti2 ma3a le nas eli close to him. Yousef was 100% sure inna Shai5a b3d el zwara ra7 tklma msn. The zwara finished everybody went home. A notification was sent to Yousef. He checked his msn wala Shai5a.


Shai5a: hi

Yousef: hi

Shai5a: shlounik?

Yousef: zain el7mdella, u?

Shai5a: doum, ana zaina el7mdella

Skitaw b3dain 10 minutes.

Shai5a: 9ayer 3ood lool

Yousef: lol ee

Shai5a: shloun '63aft chithee?

Yousef: bs rika'6t o 5afaft akil

Shai5a: ahaa

Yousef: ee

Yousef ma tklam ma3a Shai5a ela laimn ihya ttkalam. Kan yabeeha t7s inna eli sawita '3l6. Skitaw shway..

Shai5a: Yousef asfa lani hdaitik fj2a chithee bdoun la agoulik

Yousef: intay tdreen inna eli sawaiteh '3l6

Shai5a: ee Yousef madri shloun afahmik fa glt ahiddik seeda a7san

Yousef: ee ok bs 7ata lw, ma t'hdeni chithee wana 9rt mithl el mynoun gam at'thakar itha sawait shay '6ayagich aw athaitich

Shai5a: 9a7 kalamik

Yousef: o tra ma7ad 5allanii a'63af o a9eer chithee '3air kalamich, sawait chithee 3shan akoun mithil ma gltay "perfect"

Shai5a: inshalla, sam7ni Yousef lani hdaitik fj2a, ana abi nrd mithil awal o a7san b3d

Yousef: Shai5a ana ma z3alt mnnich 3shan asam7ich, ana lail7een a7bch o mabi a7b bnt '3airich

Shai5a: inshalla

Yousef: a7bch

Shai5a: a7bik

Shai5a raddat 7g Yousef and he felt so happy. He was sitting in the living room watching tv.

Dad: Yooouuuseeef

Yousef: halaa yubaaa

Dad: ta3aal shway

Yousef: inshalla

Yousef went to his father..

Yousef: hala yuba

Dad: elyoum el '6iher awal ma 6ila3t mn el dawam r7t 7jaztlokom shalaih

Yousef: 9iij yuba??

Dad: 3yl shno achathib 3alaik y3ni?

Yousef: (laughing) la bs mn zmaan mo r.. ray7een

Dad: yalla hl marra bawadekom inshalla

Yousef: ay muntazah?

Dad: el 5airan

Yousef: m..mta mta enzain?

Dad: isbou3 el yay

Yousef: ch..cham youm?

Dad: isbou3 inshalla

Yousef: inshalla

Yousef told Anfal that he was going to the shalaih next week. She felt sad because he was going and she told him to take care.Yousef had another problem. The problem was that how could he tell Shai5a about Anfal. Anfal darat inna Shai5a radat 7g Yousef so she told him..

On Whatsapp

Anfal: Yasu

Yousef: hala Anfal

Anfal: Shai5a tadri 3anni? Gltlaha innik tklmni?

Yousef: la2 ma gltlaha lana itha gltlaha ra7 tz3al o tt'6ayag o ma ra7 tfham innich i5ti o ra7 t'hdni

Anfal: adri 3shan chithee Yasu 5ala9 la tklmni a5af tdri Shai5a innik tkallim bnt mn waraha o t'hiddik wana mabi a5arrib bainkom lana itha la sama7 allah haditik inta ra7 tt'6ayag wana mabi ashoufik mt'6ayig

Yousef: maa ra7 tadri inshalla allah y5alleech i5ti mabi a5sisrich intay i5ti el wa7eeda

Anfal: adri wall abs mabi a5arrib 3alaik

Yousef: enzain 36eni wgt 5l afaker shloun a7il hl mshkila

Anfal: inshalla

Yousef asked Anwar to help him..

On Whatsapp

Yousef: Anwaro abi agoul 7g Shayou5a 3n Anfal, shloun?

Anwar: hmm.. let me think

Yousef: ok

Anwar: laish ma agoulaha ana 3anha?

Yousef: ttwa8i3ain btz3al o ma ra7 tklmni?

Anwar: la la t7ati ana a3arf shloun afahmha

Yousef: goulelha itha tabi r8mha o emailha ana 7a'6er b36eha o goulelha inna mafi shay baini o bain Anfal ihya mithil i5ti

Anwar la t7ati la t7ati adri

Yousef: inshalla

1 week had gone by and Yousef was going to the shalaih today. Shai5a knew about Anfal, so Shai5a talked to Yousef.


Shai5a: Yousef

Yousef: hala


To Be Continued..

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