Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chapter 15

Shai5a: (laughing) wohwaa b5air o 97a o salama, bs yaybtni el dar 3shan tgoulenli hl shay?

Anwar: ee lana ohwa gallii

Shai5a: ok

Anwar went back home and Yousef was waiting for her. She opened her laptop to tell Yousef about Shai5a's reaction.


Anwar: Ywaisef

Yousef: halaa, sh9aar??

Anwar: gltlaha eli gltli agoula laha bl '6ab6 el sa3a 12:00am

Yousef: o shno kanat raddat f3lha??

Anwar: '67kat o galat wohwa b5air o 97a o salamaa

Yousef: bs?

Anwar: ee

Yousef: inshalla, thank you Anwar

Anwar: you're welcome Yousef

Yousef felt so happy because he made her laugh. Yousef gal akeed ra7 tklmni dam '67akat. He slept with a smile his face. Ni6ar lai lailat ras el sena. Yousef was hoping that Shai5a would wish him a happy new year, but she didn't. He didn't lose hope.

7a6 fe rasa inna y'63aaf 3shaan ykoun perfect 7ag Shai5a. 2 months had gone by o nzalaat el mn7a malat el ameer. Of course, Yousef went to X-cite and bought an Iphone. When he went to school his friend told him about whoshere. Yousef downloaded it o bida yftar feeh. Ti3arraf 3ala bnt o she was so cute.

Yousef: gowa

??: ygaweek

Yousef: shlounich?

??: I'm fine, u?

Yousef: tmam el7mdella

??: doum inshalla

Yousef: damat ayamich, whats your name?

??: I'm Anfal and you?

Yousef: I'm Yousef

Anfal: 3ashat el asami

Yousef: 3ashat ayamich Anfal

He started to talk to her every day. Shway shway bidaa yt3allag feeha o hm ihya bidat tt3allag feeh. 1 month had gone by and they still talk to each other. They became close to each other. First of all, Yousef started to talk to her on whoshere, b3dain on msn b3dain she gave him her number and he started to talk to her on whatsapp. He told her about Shai5a and what happened between them and he also told her about Anwar. Yousef has 2 brothers, bs kanat omneeta inna ykoun 3nda i5it. Yousef won't have a sister because his parents were divorced. So he told Anfal about his wish.

On Whatsapp

Yousef: Anfaal

Anfal: hala yasu

Yousef: tdreen shno omneeti? O adri inna ma ra7 tit7a8a8

Anfal: shno?

Yousef: I wish I had a sister

Anfal: yasu

Yousef: hala

Anfal: I'm your sister o your friend o everything bs mabi ashoufik z3lan, i3tbrni i5tik el 9'3eera.

Yousef: 9ij Nafoula??

Anfal: ee yasuwoo shfeek

Yousef: a7bch i5tiiiiii!!!

Anfal: looool a7bk akthaar o5ooy!!

Yousef loved his sister so much! Ma ymor youm bdoun ma yklmha. B3dain, Yousef 3arraf his sister Anfal 3ala Anwar and they became friends. Yousef finished the 11th grade o 36alt el 9aif bidat. Yousef decided to go to el zwara lana mn youm ma hadita Shai5a ma ra7 hnak. So Friday came and he went there. Awal ma dash Yousef el kl tanna7 feeh! Shai5a's mother asked Yousef's mother..

Shai5a's mother: om yousef! mno hatha?

And she pointed at Yousef.

Mom: (laughing) hathaa yoyo

Shai5a's mother: la la 9ij?

Yousef: (laughing) 5allti hatha anaa y.. yousef

Shai5a's mother: intaa shmsawii bnsiiik!


To Be Continued..          

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