On Whatsapp
Yousef: Anwar??
Anwar: halaa
Yousef: Shayou5a feeha shay??
Anwar: la2 madri laish??
Yousef: mn el 9b7 lail7een ma 7achatni feeha shaay??
Anwar: madrii Yousef! al7een adg 3alaihaa
Yousef: ee dgaay o shoufaay ana na6rich!
Anwar called Shai5a, but she didn't answer..
Yousef: haa sh9aar??
Anwar: ma trid!
Yousef: laaiish?? Yrn el phone enzain??
Anwar: ee yrn bs ma trd!
Yousef: a5aaf 9ayer feeha shay!
Anwar: allah la ygoul Yousef ithker allah
Yousef: enzain dgaay 3ala bait'hom
Anwar: dgait o 5adamt'hom galatli ohma mo bl bait
Yousef: ist'3ferallaaah enzain shsawi al7een gaam a7atii!
Anwar: in6er shway inshalla mafeeha ela kl 5air
Yousef: inshalla inshalla
Yousef was SO WORRIED. Yousef ni6ar laaii blail o bl '39b naam. The next day, Yousef woke up, seeda dag 3ala Anwar.
On the phone
Yousef: A.. Anwar sh9aar?
Anwar: Yousef insahaa
Yousef: ha??
Anwar: insahaa Yousef insahaa
Yousef: l.. l.. laish??
Anwar: madri bs shaklha ma tabi tklmik
Yousef: enzain laaiish??
Anwar: madriii Yousef!! Yousef ga3d tabchi?
Yousef: la2
Anwar: Yousef la tabchi ma tstahal tabchi 3alaihaa
Yousef: shlouun shloun ana a7bhaa! Laish chithee t'hdnii??
Anwar: haddi Yousef haddi Yousef ithker allah
Yousef: Anwar walla magdr gllbi y3werni walla ana a7bha
Anwar: Yousef haddi o ithker allah inshalla btlga eli a7san mnha
Yousef: mabi '3airhaa Anwar ana 7bait'ha mn kl gllbi shloun tabeni ansaha
Anwar: insa Yousef insa la t'6ayyig 5llgik
Yousef: allah kareem Anwar
Yousef gam yta2ti2 akthar mn gbll and his problem got bigger and bigger. Yousef kan 3nda tasmee3 8a9eeda bl mdresa o kan 7afi'6ha klha. He was sitting in the class waiting for his turn 3shan ysammi3. When his turn came the teacher said..
Teacher: Yousef yalla sammi3
Yousef: inshalla, a.. a..
Yousef stopped and took a deep breath..
Yousef: stath mo 7afi'6 lazim a.. araji3
Teacher: laish shfeek?
Yousef: mo 7afi'6 stath
Teacher: 3ala ra7tik
When he went back home he told his father about what happened and he wants him to go to talk to the teacher 3shan y5alli Yousef ysammi3 3ala wriga. His father went to the school and told them about Yousef's problem, so they sent him to el a5i9a2i el nafsi 3shan ygoullah 3n mshkilat Yousef. He told him about Yousef's problem and he said to his father that he'll talk to him and they'll sit together to discuss his problem. The next day Yousef ra7 7ag el a5i9a2i el nafsi o g3idaw ma3a b3'6 o tkallimaw 3n mshkilta. El a5i9a2i kallam el stath o gallah inna Yousef ma ygdar ysammi3 o lazim yktib bl wriga. Yousef kl ma yrou7 ysammi3 kan y5aaf a7ad mn el 6alaba yshoufa lana ysti7i. Anfal ma kanat tadri inna Shai5a haddat Yousef because he didn't tell her 3shan ma tgoul Shai5a haditik bsibiti. Bs he decided to tell her now.
On Whatsapp
Yousef: salam i5ti
Anfal: hala Yasu
Yousef: 9ar shay gbll cham sbou3
Anfal: shno sh9aar? Yasu feek shay?
Yousef: ee
Anfal: shnoo??
Yousef: Shai5a hdatni
Anfal: shno?? Laish? T'hawashtaw?
Yousef: la2 hadatni mn doun sebab
Anfal: ana adri mn shno
Yousef: Anfal mo mnnich walla 9dgeni
Anfal: imbala 9dgni ihya ma t7bni
Yousef: la2 la2 walla mo mnnich
Anfal: kaifik bs 9adgni mnni
Yousef: y9eer 5air
Anfal: enzain mt'6ayig?
Yousef: shloun ma at'thayag i5ti walla lail7een a7bha
Anfal: inshalla btlga eli a7san mnha
Yousef: galatli Anwar chithee bs ana mabi
Anfal: allah kareem Yasu
Yousef: allah kareem
Anfal was so sad lana o5ouha Yousef mt'6ayig 7ail. She tried to make forget Shai5a but she couldn't.
November 2, 2011
Anfal decided to make something special for Yousef to make happy shway o tsheel hl '6eega mnnah.