When he came back, he went upstairs and opened his laptop to
check if Shai5a wished him a happy birthday or not. Bs she didn't. Hm gal 3adi
ymkn 3ndaha '6arf aw shay lail7een elyoum ma 5alla9. The day finished o 9ar
5/11 o she didn't wish him a happy birthday. Yousef couldn't believe it! Mo m38oula
tnsaa my birthday! Bs 7ata lw omha mo ra'6ya, 3l a8al happy birthday! He
couldn't do anything. Ikti2ab o mala 5llg shay.
Yousef remembered what she said when he was talking to her
the last time. She said: "tadri lo t'63af? Ra7 tkoun peeerfect, o jameel
akthar mn al7een b3d". So he decided to lose weight o y9eer '63eef 3shan
ykoun b3youn Shia5a perfect.
One day, he went to Jarir Bookstore. He was wondering around
and looking at the books. He saw a book that was really interesting. The book
is called "kayf tu7awil al dhoon ela 3a'6alat". He bought this book
to help him lose weight. Yousef didn't want to go to a dietitian. He started to
jog bl mamsha, gi6a3 el sugery drinks, gi6a3 el rice o gi6a3 el fa6ayer. Yousef
kept eating salads only on lunch and for dinner he eats fruits aw toast o jibin
bs. Whenever he felt thirsty he drank water. Kan yrou7 el mamsha kl youm, 7atan
bl weekend. Obouh la7a'6 inna gam yrou7 el mamsha kl youm faj2a o mo ga3d yakil.
So he wanted to know laish Yousef decided to lose weight faj2a chithee. They
were both sitting in the living room.
Dad: Yousef
Yousef: hala yubaa
Dad: shlsalfa? 9ayer trou7 el mamsha kl youm o ma gmt takil
mithil gbll
Yousef: walla yubaa bs ch.. chithee m.. malait mn el mm..
Dad: mitin
Yousef: ee
Dad: (laughing) ee goul mitin
Yousef: m.. mitin (laughing)
Dad: yalla 3ad nshouf ra7 tgdar tmsik nfsik wala bs al7een
cham sbou3 o t'hid el mashi
Yousef: ee nnshouf inshalla, yuba walla a7bk
Yousef hugged his father, kissed him on the head and went to
his room. Yousef ma kan yt'6ayag laimn obouh y'6a7ak itha ta2ta2 aw y8ldah lana
ydri obouh yt'3ashmar ma3ah o yabeeh y7l hl mshkila.
December came and Yousef was so excited because this month
is Shai5a's month. Her birthday is on the 27th of December. He
thought that if he said to her happy birthday ymkn t7s shway o trd tklma lana
ohwa still y7bha.
December 24, 2010
Yousef couldn't talk to Shai5a lanha ma tshbk bl msn mn youm
ma haddita. So he started thinking of how he could wish her a happy birthday. He
decided inna y5alli Anwar tgoul 7g Shai5a inna Yousef wishes you a happy
birthday. Fa ra7 kallam Anwar.
Yousef: ha Anwar
Anwar: hala ywaisef
Yousef: 3eed milad Shayou5a b3d 3 days 9a7?
Anwar: Shayou5a? -.-
Yousef: ee Shayou5a :/
Anwar: shako tdal3ha b3d eli sawita feek lail7een tdal3ha??
Yousef: Anwaro walla I still love her o mn kl gllbii!
Anwar: ok ok whatever -.- ee 3eed miladha b3d 3 days laish?
Yousef: abeech tgoulenlaha el sa3a 12:00am bl '6aab6
"Yousef wishes you a happy birthday o kl 3am wntay b5air"
Anwar: inshalla
Yousef: thank you Anwar
Anwar: chub mabbaina :)
Yousef: lol ok :p
Yousef got more excited lana al7een ti2akkad inna ra7 tou9al
el "kl 3am wntay b5air" 7g Shai5a el sa3a 12:00am. Fa ymkn tgoul he still
loves me o ra7 trd tklma again mithil awal.
December 26, 2010
Anwar and 6aiba went to Shai5a's house and brought her a birthday
6aiba and Anwar: salaaaam
Shai5a: (laughing) halaa wallaa
6aiba: (laughing) hala bl birthday girl
Anwar: b3'6 el naas bi9eer 3umrhom 16 el laailaaa
Shai5a: (laughing) e7m e7m
Anwar: ybnaaalich 5oush caaake
Shai5a: 9iiiiij?
Anwar: eee
Shai5a: yl 5ayseen a7bkoooooom
6aiba: (laughing) we love you toooo
9araat el sa3aa 11:30pm o 7a6aaw el cake o shabbaw el
shmou3. Shai5a's parents came and they sang happy birthday to her. She was so
happy. Yousef was sitting in his room na6er t9eer el sa3a 12:00am.
December 27, 2010 12:00am
Anwar: Shai5oo
Shai5a: halaa
Anwar: ta3alay darich shway bgoulich shay
Shai5a: enzain
They went to her room..
Anwar: Shai5o
Shia5a: goulaay
Anwar: Yousef wishes you a happy birthday o ygoulich kl 3am
wntay b5air..
To Be Continued..
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