Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chapter 10

Yousef: aloo Shayou5a? wainich?

6aiba: (laughing) in7ashaat isti7aat 7aaiiil

Yousef: (laughing) ay shaay shd3waaa

6aiba: (laughing) 7baait eli sawaitaa intaa

Yousef: shsawii madrii shloun agoulaha a7bch o 9dfaa sima3t hl '3niya o glt bagoulaha kalimt'ha b3dain agoulaha a7bch

6aiba: yah yah ma 6ila3t hayyin Ywaisef

Yousef: (laughing) e7m, enzain nadeehaa

6aiba: Shaaaiii5oooo ta3alaaaay

Shai5a: maabii

Yousef: 6aibo goulelha Yousef ygoul 3shani ta3alay

6aiba: Youseeef ygoul 3haanaa ta3aaalaaay

Shai5a: enzain kanii kanii yait

Yousef: Shayou5aa

Shai5a: hala

Yousef: ana a7bch

Shai5a:enzain bgoulik shay

Yousef: goulay

Shai5a: hm ana a7bk

Yousef: 9ij?

Shai5a: ee

Yousef: enzain Shayou5a

Shai5a: hala

Yousef: a7bich

Shai5a: (laughing) ana b3d a7bk

Yousef felt SO HAPPY o mn kither ma ohwa mstanis reeli ma gamat tsheela chan yg3ad. When he went back to the shalaih Anwar realized the happiness in Yousef's face so she went to talk to him.

Anwar: haa sh9aayer el bsma shagga el wayh

Yousef: sktaay 7adi mstaaanis

Anwar: (laughing) laaiish gouli??

Yousef: glt 7g Shayou5a inni a7bhaa

Anwar: 9iiij? O shno galat ihyaa?

Yousef: (laughing) galaat ihya b3d t7bniii

Anwar: yaah yaah yalla allah y5aleekom 7g b3'6

Yousef: aameen ya rab

5alla9 el shalaih o el kl rad baita. 2 weeks left 7g el 36laa and Yousef was sad because if school starts he can't talk to Shai5a every day, just weekends. Shai5a's brother a7mad knows that Yousef and his sister are in love. So whenever Yousef wants to talk to Shai5a, he calls and asks for A7mad so Shai5a's parents wouldn't know. One day he called and Shai5a's mother answered the phone.

*A7mad: a9'3ar mn Shai5a ib 4 years

On the phone

Yousef: aloo

Shai5a's mother: hala, mno?

Yousef: gowa 5allti, ana Yousef

Shai5a's mother: hala 7abeebii Yousef, (laughing) ma 3rftik mt'3ayer 9outik

Yousef: (laughing) ee 5allti b3d kbrt

Shai5a's mother: shlounik? sh5barik? shloun omik?

Yousef: walla klna b5air el7mdella intay shlounich 5allti?

Shai5a's mother: ana zaina el7mdella

Yousef: 5allti wain a7mad?

Shai5a's mother: kaho al7een anadeeh

Yousef: inshalla

A7mad: ha Ywaisef

Yousef: ha A7mdo, shlounik?

A7mad: tmam, int shlounik?

Yousef: zain el7mdella, a7mdo omik o obouk bl 9alla? Bs goul ee aw la2 lana mabeehom y7soun

A7mad: ee

Yousef: 7safa knt bkalim Shai5a, enzain hl ym3a fe zwara?

A7mad: ee fe, ta3aal

Yousef: inshalla ee bayee

Friday came and Yousef went to the zwara. Youm yai sallam 3ala Shai5a's mother she said..

Shai5a's mother: inta bo 9out 7lw eli kallamni thak elyoum?

Yousef: (laughing) shd3waa 5allti 9outi 7lw

Shai5a's mother: (laughing) walla 9outik 7lw ya b5t zoujtik feek

Yousef laughed and went to sit next to 3azeez. Shai5a couldn't look at Yousef, she was too shy and Yousef couldn't take his eyes of Shai5a. Shai5a kanat awal bnt y7bha b7ayata  o 7abha mn kl gllba. Yousef told 3azeez about what happened in the shalaih o inna he told Shai5a that he loves her.

September 21, 2010..

Yousef was in his grandfarther's house with his mother when his father called him at 4:00am. It felt weird because it was getting late. Yousef bida y7aatii o rad 3ala obouh..

On the phone

Yousef: aloo

Dad: hala Yousef

Yousef: yuba shfeeh 9outik???


To Be Continued..    

1 comment:

  1. omg september 21 is my birthday :o lol:::
