Friday, January 18, 2013

Chapter 2

First of all, ana ismii Yousef. I'm not good in writing stories bs I'm trying my best.

8 years ago..

9ar shay ib 7ayat Yousef o ymkn hl shay sebab mshklta. Yousef omah o obouh t6alligaw o omah skinat ib bait o obouh ib bait. Yousef bhl fatra ymkn kan 3umra t8reban 11 aw 12 sena. Yousef mn youm ma omah o obouh t6alligaw o sh59eta t'3ayirat. 5l agoulokom shloun t'3ayirat. Gbll el 6alag, Yousef kan ijtima3ii o ysoulif o ytkallam ma3a el kl. B3d 6alag omah o obouh, Yousef 9ar may7b yg3ad ma3a el nas o killa brou7a o 9ar ysti7ii ytkallam ma3a el nas o bl mdresa ma gam yshrik bl 9af. Laish chithee 9ar? Lana Yousef bida yta2ti2 o lsana gam y9eer thgeel, 3shan chithee t'3ayar. Lsan Yousef ma kan feeh shay gbll eli 9ar bain omah o obouh, bs b3d eli 9ar shway shway lsana gam ythgill. Ymkn tgoulon inna hathii mo mshkila kbeera o Yousef wayed kabbarha. 9a7 kalamkom ihya MA KANAT mshkila kbeera bs al7een kbarat 3nda. Yousef kan yn7irij itha s2louh bl 9af lana kan y5af yta2ti2 jidam rab3a. 3ashan chithee yousef kan y7b yg3ad brou7a 3ashan ma yta2ti2 itha a7ad se2alah. Yousef kan ydres ib private school o in 4th grade, his teacher tried to help him 3ashan ytkallam 3dl bs ma fad. Yousef tyeela ftrat yn7irij feeha o yt7aba6 o y7s inna hl mshkila ma ra7 tn7al. Lail7een Yousef yta2ti2 o he's trying to solve this problem o inshalla tn7al ya rab.

This is the problem eli Yousef kan ygoulokom 3nha o ra7 agoulokom 3n ash5a9 dashaw ib 7ayat Yousef o shno 9ar bain hl ash5a9 o Yousef.


To Be Continued..            

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