Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chapter 11

Dad: ist'3ferallaah shloun agoulah hatha

Yousef: yuba shno? Sh9ayer??

Dad: mama 3oda twaffat

Yousef: ha? Shno yubaa mn 9ijjik??

Dad: ee walla, shouf kallim omik 5l tyebkom

Yousef: inshalla

Yousef was shocked, tyabisaaw 3'6aama. Wala dam3a nzalaat mn 3aina. He didn't believe wants was happing because bnfs youm wafat'ha Yousef gi3ad ma3ahaa o soulaf ma3aha o t'3shmar o kl shay. Ma kaan feeha shay o bnfs youm wafat'ha ra7 3nd omah! Yousef went up to his mother's room. She was awake and sitting alone in her room. Yousef dash her room o he didn't say anything.

Mom: yummaa yousef shfeeh wayhik chithee?ha? yousef? kalmni shfeek sakit??

Yousef  fainted o 6a7 mn 6oulaa 3l ar'6. His mother called her mother and sister, they picked him o sid7ouh 3l frash. 9abaw 3ala wayha may o 6agouh 6ragat laimn gam.

Mom: yummaa 7abebii shfeeeek??

Yousef: mama 3oda twaffat

Mom: mtaa?? mno gallik??

Yousef: obouy tawa gallii, yuma wadeni bait mama 3oda

Mom: inshalla inshalla yalla 5l ayeeblik malabis baddil o anadi o5ouk o awadeekom

Yousef: inshalla

Yousef changed his cloth and his mother took him to mama 3oda's house where his father is living. There were a lot of cars in front of the house. Awal ma dash Yousef el bait ra7 sallam 3ala obouh o still he's shocked o mo m9addig. He went o sat in the living room alone. His brother went to his father's room o hugged him o they cried. Yousef heard them crying and he couldn't believe what was happening. 7as inna gllba byougaf! When his father and brother stopped crying, he went to his father.

Yousef: yubaa mta twaffat mama 3oda?

Dad: ymkn 3l sa3a 9 blail

Yousef: laish maa gltli yuba?

Dad: ma knt abii a'6ayig 5llgik lana tawwik rayi7 3nd omik, sub7an allah chna allah ma yabeekom tshoufonha tmout, bnfs youm wfat'ha int o 5wamik r7taw 3nd omkom

Yousef: allah yr7mhaa, shloun twafat yuba?

Dad: kanat ga3da mafeeha shay, fj2aa shrigaat o gamat tk7 o 6a7aat trjif, ana o 3amitik msaknahaa glnalha yumaa shfeeech, bs ma raddaat o rjifat rjifaat o twaffat

Yousef: allah yr7mhaa, elyoum ga3d ma3aha mafeeha shay yubaa

Dad: allah yr7mhaa, hatha youma Yousef

Yousef went to sleep because the next day bidfnounha. He woke up o seeda ra7 el mgbara. Youm yaw bi9alloun 3ala his grandmother Yousef saw her body. Ma gidar y9allii o gllba gam y3wraa 7aail o he couldn't stop crying. When they finished, they took her body 3shan bidfnounha. Yousef was following her body and as he was crying he said: mama 3odaa laa trou7een allah y5alleech abeech. His cousin hugged him o gallah Yousef allah yr7amhaa la tsawi chithee bnfsik. Dfnouhaa o 5alli9aw o they went home. Four days had gone by and Yousef didn't talk to Shai5a. So Shai5a called him.

On the phone:

Shai5a: aloo

Yousef: hala Shai5a

Shai5a: Yousef waaiinik 4 ayaam aklmik ma trd 5arra3tnii!

Yousef: Shai5aa yaditi twaffat (crying)

Shai5a: haa?? Allaah yr7mhaa

Yousef: Shai5aa walla mshtaglahaa

Shai5a: allah yr7mhaa Yousef id3elaha

Yousef: inshalla

Shai5a: yalla 5ala9 la tbchi 7abebi inta

Yousef: inshalla, Shai5a aklimich b3dain

Shai5a: inshalla

2 months had gone by and Shai5a's mother started to realize that there is something between her daughter and Yousef. So she went to Shai5a's room to talk to her about this thing.

Shai5a's mother: agoul Shai5a

Shai5a: hala mama

Shai5a's mother: fe shay bainich o bain Yousef?

Shai5a: la2 shako

Shai5a's mother: mama imbayen inna fe bainkom shay, ma shfteeh shloun y6al3ich laimn iyee el zwara o intay tsti7een o tnazleen rasich, tra mla7'6tkom ana

Shai5a: 3adi mama mako shay

Shia5a's mother: sm3ay ymkn intay tsti7een tgolenli bs itha fe bainkom 3ila8a o aa5rat hl 3ila8a zawaj ana ra'6ya, bs obouch ma ra7 yr'6a lana ma yabi a7ad ya5thich mn el 3ayla

Shai5a: bs mamaa ohwa 5oush waa7d wallaa '3air 3n 9bayyaan ahalna klhoum

Shai5a's mother: adri walla ohwa 5oush wa7d o lw beedi cha nana 56abta lich bs obouch allah yhadaah ma ngdar ngoul shay, fa ana agoulich itha fe bainkom 3ila8a laa tkbar akthar o g63ay hl 3ila8a mn al7een

Shai5a: (crying) inshalla a7awil

Shai5a didn't tell Yousef about the conversation that happened between her and her mother. She did something that made Yousef ykraah 7ayataaa.


To be Continued..   

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