Yousef: inshalla
Yousef gave Shai5a Anfal's email and phone number.
She talked with Anfal and everything went fine.
Yousef: Shayou5a ana asif lana kallamt'ha mn warach
bs lo ihya mo 5osh wa7da chan hdait'ha, ihya mithil i5ti o mako shay bainna la
Shai5a: lool 3adi walla she's cute ga3d aklmha now
Yousef: loool inshalla, bs walla ana lo ma a7bch
chan ma gltlich 3anha bs ana mabi akallim bnt mn warach fa 3shan chithee glt
7ag Anwar tgoulich 3anha
Shai5a: loool inshalla
After that Yousef talked to Anwar.
On Whatsapp
Yousef: Anwaaaar thank youuuu!!!!
Anwar: loool welcome welcome :p
Yousef: shloun gltelhaaaa??
Anwar: malik shi'3ill bs ana a3rflahaa ;p
Yousef: loooool jain :p
He was so happy lana Shai5a knew about Anfal and it
was ok with her. Gbll la ymshi Yousef yrou7 el shalaih, Anfal called him.
On the phone
Anfal: salaam Yasu
Yousef: hala i5ti
Anfal: Yasu y3ni lazim trou7 el shalaih?
Yousef: (laughing) laish N.. Nafoula? Ma tabeni a..
a.. arou7?
Anfal: ee I'll miss you y3niii
Yousef: 7abebti i5tii walla ra7 aklmich k.. kl youm
5o mani m.. msaafer ana
Anfal: inshalla, take care 3ad
Yousef: inshalla i5ti, intay b3d deeri balich 3ala
Anfal: ee Yasuwo abi agoulik shay
Yousef: sh.. shno goulay
Anfal: a7s Shai5a ma t7bni
Yousef: laa i5ti t7bch a9lan galatli innich c.. cute
o chithee
Anfal: madri bs ana a7s ma t7bni ihya
Yousef: la t5afeen t7bch t7bch
Anfal: inshalla o5ouy
Yousef: yalla ana lazim a.. arou7 al7een birou7on o
na6reni bl sayara
Anfal: inshalla
Yousef: yalla bye
Anfal: bye..
Yousef: (laughing) i5ti skreeh
Anfal: mabi asakra, itha tabi inta sakra
Yousef: (laughing) inshalla, yalla bye
Anfal: bye
Yousef went to the shalaih and as soon as he arrived
there she called him.
On the phone
Shai5a: gowa 7abebi
Yousef: hala Shayou5a
Shai5a: w9aalt?
Yousef: ee
Shai5a: el7mdella 3ala salamtik
Yousef: allah yslmich
Shai5a: deer balik 3aad o 3younik mo trou7 mnni o
Yousef: (laughing) inshalla
Shai5a: o la tt7arrash bl bnat
Yousef: (laughing) ana at7arrash? tabeni at7arrash o
l.. lsani chithee? by'67koun 3alaiy
Shai5a: chub mafeek shay inta
Yousef: (laughing) ok
In the fourth day of shalaih, Yousef was walking
alone going to his brother and his cousin. Kanaw bl jm3iya eli 3nd el bawaba.
On his way there, he saw a bunch of girls coming towards him. Awal ma marraw
yamah chan wa7da tgoulaa "yal mzyoouuun". Yousef laughed and continued
walking. Shai5a talked to Yousef..
Shai5a: ha wain 3younik?
Yousef: lool seeda mo mnni o mnnak :p
Shai5a: ee zain
Yousef: walla fe bnat ma yst7oun -.-
Shai5a: laish? -.-
Yousef: ga3d amshi rayi7 el jm3iya, chan ymurroun
yami bnat o wa7da mnhom tgoul yal mzyoouun -.-
Shai5a: -.-' o int shswait?
Yousef: tkfa shswait? -.- ma rdait 3laihom o mshait
Shai5a: zain tsawi
Yousef: ee
The next day, Yousef was in the gahwa sitting with
his brother and his cousin. His father called him o gallah iyee el shalaih
3shan yshb el fa7am bisawoun shawi. On his way to the shalaih, two girls were
coming towards him. One of the them started clapping for Yousef and saying
"youmma youmaa sh7alataa". He stopped and looked at her and then he
Yousef: ok 9afagtay o youma youma sh7alata, al7een
The girl: 5ala9 asfa
Yousef: thgllay thgllay
Misha Yousef o kammal 6ireeja. He didn't tell Shai5a
3an eli 9ar. The shalaih finished o they went back home. B3d rmi'6an Yousef decided
to go out with Shai5a. Bs shloun ra7 y6la3 ma3aha bdoun ma ahalha yadroun? He
started thinking of a way to go out with Shai5a. 6ING! Yatlah fkra! :p
To Be Continued..
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