Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chapter 4


Yousef: salam

Shai5a: wa 3alaikom el salam mno?

Yousef: ana Yousef

Shai5a: ay Yousef ? ohhhh al7een 3rftik

Yousef: lol shloun? ;p

Shai5a: shft ur dp

Yousef: 7safa knt basawi feech dagga :p

Shai5a: lool ashwa 9dtk gbll ma tsawi feeni dagga :p

They continued chatting and Yousef couldn't stop his fingers from typing.

Yousef: mt'3ayra Shai5a mashalla m7lawwa

Shai5a: thank you Yousef :$

Yousef: lol ur welcome

Shai5a: 7ata inta mt'3ayer 9ayer ba6a :p

Yousef: e7m.. shsawii b3d allah kareem :p

Yousef started to talk to Shai5a every day and every night. He spends most of his day talking to her and she had fun talking to him also.

2 months had gone by and Yousef still spends most of his day talking to Shai5a. He treated her very well, always asked about her and couldn't sleep until he would tell her goodnight. Yousef started to think that he has a crush on her, so he talked to Anwar on msn.

Yousef: Anwaroooo!!!

Anwar: HAAAAA!!

Yousef: la t9r5een -.-

Anwar: inshalla

Yousef: Anwaro chnnii bdait a7bha :/

Anwar: mno??? @@

Yousef: Shai5a :/

Anwar: shnoo? shloun? laish??

Yousef: a7s inni a7bha Anwaro walla :/ magdr ma aklmha youm wa7ed, t3allagt feeha

Anwar: o ihya hm chithee mt3alga feek o t7bk?

Yousef: ma gltlaha inni a7bha o madri itha ihya t7s bnfs el sh3our

Anwar: I'll ask her o ashouf shno eli bainkom yl male8een -.-

Yousef: mo tgoulenlaha inni a7bhaa o chithee!

Anwar: don't worry I won't


To Be Continued..

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